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Everything posted by Karous

  1. I have a very strong disconnect between sex and emotion. I do not, and never have, viewed sex as emotional nor inherently romantic, and had always been profoundly confused by the gravity that society seems to attibute to sex. I figured i just wasnt getting it because i had never had sex, but once I had, i still didn't understand what the big deal was. I engage in casual sex much like I would go to see a movie. I don't do it too often, but I enjoy it from time to time, and sometimes I get a friend involved for a platonic, not at all romantic activity.
  2. I'm currently in a poly-relationship with 3 other people, I'm gray-aro so I feel it on occasion. These are the only people I've felt romantic attraction to in my entire life actually. I met my first partner at 16, and my other two at 18. Relationship is still going strong with all of them with me being 21 now.
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