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Posts posted by Leia

  1. Hi! To me, it does seem like you're aromantic. 

    12 hours ago, Guest Ash said:

    I still doubt myself whether I'm aro enough.

    Honestly, there's no such thing as being aro enough. Aromanticism is a whole spectrum, and you could lie anywhere on it. Not all aros are repulsed by romance, some of us may like watching romantic stuff, but that doesn't make us any less aro.

    The fact that you haven't had any crushes and don't like the idea of a romantic relationship are strong pointers that you're aromantic. 

    If you feel like the term 'aromantic' doesn't exactly fit you, you could look into greyromantic, or other labels under the spectrum. 

    I personally found this to be quite helpful while I was questioning my identity. 

  2. i've heard so many people talk about this but i have to admit, i've never faced it. it could be because none of my friends ever had any serious relationships. but yeah, i just don't worry about my friends leaving.

    a close friend of mine started dating last year, right before COVID-19. i never felt like she's drifting apart or prioritizing her romantic relationship; but then again we don't get to meet in person anyway. we do chat regularly, we're still great friends, and i haven't felt like anything's changed.

    edit: getting to know your friend's partner sure is great advice. 

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  3. To me it does sound like you're aromantic, but I'm no expert. (I myself identified as aromantic recently.) There exist aromantics who might like watching/reading romantic stuff, but they don't want it for themselves. Also, there are various types of attraction such as sensual or aesthetic. So you might want to be close to someone for numerous other reasons, without being romantically attracted to them. 

  4. so i guess i should introduce myself...

    i'm 19 and i recently realised that i might be aromantic, along with being asexual. i'm not completely sure, but for now i'm happy to call myself grey-romantic.

    i came over here from AVEN, and i'm really glad to find this community because i've never met any aros irl. so i'm hoping to make some new friends here!

    well i can't think of anything else to say. nice to meet you all, and have a good day! (or night, whatever) :D

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