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Hey you in the corner

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Posts posted by Hey you in the corner

  1. 20 hours ago, UncommonNonsense said:

    I'm another one who doesn't understand why jealousy, obsession, and possessiveness are seen as romantic instead of as abusive.  To me, all three are major red flags and they'd have me running in the opposite direction.

    Another thing that perplexes me is how predatory and just plain assholish a lot of romantic tropes really are.  Like the one where a guy relentlessly pursues a woman who clearly wants nothing to do with him, and the 'happy' ending being that she eventually gets exhausted and broken down enough to agree to date him.  That isn't romantic!  That's an entitlement-poisoned creep being a total dick!  There are so many of these, and they just make zero sense to me.


    Aka the entire plot of twilight. 

    • Like 7
  2. While I am an aromantic asexual it does not bother me if people automatically assume that if I am one I must be the other, but I do agree this this mentality is harmful to romantic asexuals who are looking for/ in relationships. It still annoys me how sex and romance are automatically linked to one another in the majority of people's minds. 

    • Like 6
  3. My ex wanted to do everything together. Mentally I was screaming at him the entire time to continue with his social life from before he met me and leave me alone. I kind of feel bad for him, without my realizing it when entering into the relationship, it was doomed from the start. My massive need for personal space paired with my aversion to any form of romantic displays directed towards myself pretty much makes any form of romantic relationship seem like a torture session. While I am glad for having dated him as it allowed me to understand that dating just isn't for me, I do feel bad that he had to go through it. 

    • Like 11
  4. So I kind of talked to my mom the other day. I told her that looking back on my previous relationship I never liked to do any of the things that couples do, not even holding hands. I told her, not actually coming out but more as a way to gauge her thoughts on the matter, that I 'thought I might be aromantic". She simply replied that I've never really liked physical contact with others and then changed the topic. While I don't think she would freak out about me being aromantic, I just don't think that she'd believe me 100% until I'm a 55 year old spinster with 12 cats. 

    • Like 2
  5. Warning: kind of ranting. feel free to scroll past. 


    I have had 2 relationships. The first one only lasted for about 5 dates. He asked me and I could not think of a cohesive reason to say no and I was getting a bit of pressure from friends and family to date. By date 2 I knew it was not going to work, not just because of my aromanticism but because he acted like a 13 year old. The other 3 dated were me trying to work up the courage to end my first ever relationship. 


    My second relationship lasted about 6 months. He was a really great guy, as a friend. My friends and family were happy that I was entering the dating scene and doing what is apparently normal by societies standards. I liked hanging out with him but as soon as he would hold my hand or start with the romantic lovey-dovey bantering I was immediately repulsed. Just, no. He was emotionally difficult to break up with as I thought he was a genuinely nice person and I really struggled to find a way to avoid hurting his feelings. Ultimately the only thing I could do was rip off the band-aid and get it over with. Every now and then he still tried to suggest we go get coffee and hang out. This pisses me off because I am trying to let him move on with his life but he's still kind of clinging on the the idea that maybe I'll change his mind. We also work together. It sucks. 

    • Like 2
  6. I'm not out to any of my family members. I want to come out to my mom because we're really close, but I highly doubt it would surprise her at all. She'd probably just shrug and say "alright" and that would be that. I am much more nervous about coming out as asexual. While she is not in the least bit homophobic, I still don't have a 100% take on how she would react to that piece of information. I'm thinking of coming out as aromantic first and then bringing up the asexual part much later on. 

  7. You get your tablet, but all of your drawings ultimately morph into a picture of Nicholas Cage's face.


    I wish I could sleep with my textbooks under my pillow and absorb the information overnight without ever having to open them. 

    • Like 2
  8. 45 minutes ago, Thom said:

    I wish that cats ruled the world.

    Humans die out due to scurvy because cats do not like citrus.


    I wish I never had to pay for gasoline again. 

  9. This happened a few years ago. I went to the store with my mom. We walked past the electronics section and my mom told me to go back and check out the games. I was like sure. I spent a few minutes browsing and when I meet up with her she said "so, what did you think?" I said that I wasn't really interested in any of the games. Apparently she wanted me to go back there to check out the guy manning the electronics kiosk. Me being my oblivious self responded with "what guy?" Now she makes sure to directly point out whatever "cute" guy she's talking about so I don't walk right past them. 

    • Like 9
    • Haha 1
  10. I can barely stand being around other peoples children when I go to the store to buy groceries. I can tolerate them for brief periods of time, but actually raising one, no thanks. I think my aromanticism may have a tiny bit to do with it, but I know several romantics who feel the same way, so I don't feel like it is the main reason. The main reason is that I don't want to have to sacrifice 18+ years taking care of someone else. 

    • Like 5
  11. 2 hours ago, UncommonNonsense said:


    Oh yeah... the baby talk!  I'd blocked that out of my memory.  Yes, that is *vile*!  And *disturbing*! 

    Any insight into why people do that?  It just seems so *wrong*!  Ick!

    I don't know, but I had really hoped that after 4+ years in a relationship my sister would have grown out of it. Now I have to listen to it whenever they come to visit. *shudder* 

    • Like 1
  12. I don't mind seeing people holding hands or giving each other light kisses, but full on make out sessions and groping need to be taken somewhere where I don't have to see it. I also can't stand the baby talk and annoying squealing sounds. It drives me bat shit crazy. Part of this is due to listening to my sister and her bf talk like a couple of 3 year-olds for 4 years strait, but it has the same effect on me as nails on a chalk board. I can't stand it. 

    • Like 5
  13. I was lucky to be considered intimidating in high school so I never had to go through this. Unfortunately I'm not necessarily good at saying "no" to people when they ask me out in private either, so i'm especially glad this has never happened to me. This is how I spent 2 months in my first relationship, it was agonizing. I agree that it is manipulative on the part of the asker to pressure the asked by asking them in a public setting, even if that is not their intention. 

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