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Ollie Declan

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Posts posted by Ollie Declan

  1. okay so:

    been a bit since i wrote this post. i told her (in the nicest way possible) to get the fuck out of my life about a year and a half ago. 

    i let her keep hurting me for a year or so after that because i am horribly self destructive and it was like a weird, awful addiction. she didn't redeem herself in the slightest; she made it clear to me the last time we talked that she didn't care if she hurt me because she didn't want to lose me because i "was such a good friend and irreplaceable". she has messaged me multiple times since because she has no one and really wants to make things right, even messaging me on the one account i didn't have blocked, going through side accounts, etc. 

    the only problem? i have to deal with her 17 hours a week because we're in all the same classes. she's obnoxiously loud and self obsessed. she roped me in by making widely unacceptable statements that she was suicidal and hurting herself (she never was) just to get attention. earlier this year, she loudly exclaimed that there's no need to be depressed, that you should just "stop choosing to hurt yourself and get over it". 
    i sometimes wonder whether she actually understands the damage she did to me, and the lifelong issues i now have with regards to affection and trusting people with my identity.

    i'm not great, but i'm better. i don't live my life constantly on the edge when i have to be in the same room as her, but when my mental health gets worse, my ability to ignore her and keep myself calm plummets.

    it's a long process, but i'm just so grateful i've found friends who actually care about me and don't treat me like shit.

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  2. Hey! Other admin of the server here. We recently had a bunch of raids, and so have closed all invites. If you'd like access to the server please PM myself, Zema, or Eklinaar. I will update this thread when our invite situation changes.

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  3. Thank you @Tumblrweed and @Tal Shi'ar

    With seeing the school counsellor, this person has already visited her. She has talked about me to her, and I'm afraid to talk to her now. I'm not much of a talker about my feelings anyways. My school barely accepts bisexuality, so I feel that she can only recommend the same as she did to this person.
    I could try to role-play a situation, but I highly doubt it would get to the person's brain. I could try to walk away but I have 6 subjects with this person, and they'd be nagging me all the time about it. Thank you for responding though.


    I'll eventually seperate myself from this person, but I am horrible for getting over guilt.

  4. I have this ‘friend’ who is extremely mean to me, but I’m not strong enough to stand up to her. 


    I’ve known her for around 10 months now and every step of the way has been awful. She is overpowering and harsh on me, and always plays the victim card. She’s only thirteen and has already been in a relationship that was so intimate that when they broke up she fell into depression. She’s dated people who are around 18 too, and I don’t feel safe that knowing her she’s probably told these people what school we go to. She is a catfisher already, and it drives me up the wall. 


    She is the most allo person I have ever met, and when I came out to her, she was accepting of me in a way. She always says that I must like someone. For a short period of time she was on the Discord Arocalypse server. When we had our 6000th fallout and I couldn’t deal with her invading my safe space, I kicked her from the chat. She’s been bitching about it since. When I told her that it was because she hadn’t gotten to a certain level (this was a lie but I don’t think she was high enough anyways), she complained that it was stupid. She indirectly called the other two admins on the server stupid also. 


    She is also a loudmouth, and I suspect that it was her that spread the rumours about me being ace. Every time we meet someone she blurts out that I’m ace for no reason, and most of the time the possible reason she says it for doesn’t matter. For example, we had a writing workshop at our school with a few other schools also. A girl came up to me and said she liked my shirt, and from there we found out we all liked a whole lot of things. So we sat down and for some reason she told a girl we’d literally met for the first time 15 minutes ago I was ace. She’s also a filthy liar. She said she respects my preferred pronouns, but she doesn’t. 


    Everything is about her, and I don’t feel safe telling her anything anymore. She’s very obnoxious and her opinion stands above mine, apparently. 


    You most likely wouldn’t know but I’m an avid writer and character creator. She is too. I have over 170 characters, only 15 being heteroromantic, heterosexual cis people. You know what she said? “Why are all your characters queer? Can’t they just be straight?” No. I as a writer am trying to incorporate as many GSRM minorities as I can. It made me sick to hear she only had one trans character and one gay character before I came along. 


    According to her, everyone in the world has to be with another. I feel that this isn’t supporting me or this community at all, yet she wants to be a part of it. 


    She always tries to cuddle me and kiss my cheek and all of those things I’m extremely uncomfortable with. When I deny it, she always calls me mean. I need my personal space and her invading it all the time makes me sick. She knows I’m not like that and yet she continues to try. I just want to scream at her to go away. She calls me ‘baby’. This was not arranged at all. 

    We had a market day yesterday and when she offered to buy me food she’s like ‘it’s like a date hey!’. I replied blandly with no. I’m romance repulsed and when she talks about ‘why don’t you do these things with me’ I just reply that I don’t want to. She doesn’t take this lightly, but when she’s trying to hug my arm or whatever and I pull it away or whatever she whines and says ‘you know I need comfort’. Why don’t you think that I don’t want it. I don’t want anything romantic with you and if you can barely treat me as equal to you I don’t understand how you could get me to like you.

    What do I do?

    Sorry about this being so long, I needed to get it off my chest..

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  5. I'm thinking of doing a thing, but first I need your favourite (one or more) inspirational quote/s. I'm thinking of putting them all in my locker at school, because that's the place I need the most inspiration.


    The quote can be your own or from somewhere else, it doesn't really matter. As long as it's inspirational, it goes.


    What an unorganized post,


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