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Posts posted by DannyFenton123

  1. When you're reading Romeo and Juliet and there are so many stupid things you can't help but sigh and roll your eyes every five seconds.


    Fortunately I'm sitting across from a person who finds it just as stupid, so we can sigh and roll our eyes together and make this ordeal just that bit more bearable ;)

    • Like 6
  2. So PE is currently awful. I'm in a team with several people including a creepy guy I'm told has a crush on me, playing american football. American football! >:(


    Anyway, creepy guy very much likes standing awkwardly close to me and staring at me and other awkward stuff that terrifies me about people who have a crush on you. But I did have an awesome moment: today they held their hand up like they wanted to high five, but I was kind of frozen in place and pretended I didn't have any peripheral vision until he gave up.


    I do feel kinda bad, but at the same time I'm completely at the end of my string dealing with him on a daily basis and hopefully one day or another he might get the message and leave me alone. Maybe he might think I'm a bit of a jerk, but I can live with that if I end up with people not crushing on me.


    Seriously, crushes are terrifiying.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Spud said:

    My mom gets on my nerves sometimes but I don't say anything. I mentioned that maybe my brother might not want a girlfriend, and then she said that the only other option is that he's gay. And then she talked about how all boys are basically sex-fiends and that's the way the are "biologically programmed." She said something like "all boys, even nerds eventually want sex" >_> And before she talked about how she's okay with me dating anyone... except for trans people. WTF?


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  4. Love my family, but I've had it up to here with the number of times they've tried to convince me I'l marry some butcher and stop being a vegetarian. Apparently ideal boyfriends aren't supposed to respect your differences, but instead tear them down until you're just exactly the same.


    I actually lost my temper over it: I kind of ended up saying, 'No, I won't!' and then storming off ¬¬

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