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Guest burger&queen


Guest burger&queen

I interacted with this guy during an official event of our social circle last December. We've met a few times before, but did not socialize as much. Its just courtesy greetings during meetings and that's it. However, he offered me drinks that night out-of-the-blue because he said we made eye contact. In our culture, a person will roam around and offer drinks to people, but its often with people who you know personally. Anyway, after that I got kinda comfortable and started to joke with him then people started to tease us with each other. He has a girlfriend btw. He messaged me afterwards on fb (we weren't friends before this) asking me to join them at a bar. I was asleep so I didn't respond and there were also some deleted messages. I didn't dwell on it. 

Recently, we met quite a few times at a casual drinking parties in our group and we somehow talked. He also accompanied me going home even though he said he doesn't like to walk and my house is the opposite from his. Lol he would walk me home then ride from my home to his. He also acted all gentlemanly like guiding me by the waist (is that common for straight guys?). I really don't know since my close guy friends aren't like that. my male gay friends aren't also like that. People also thought we were close, but we only interacted for like 3 times. They were also trying to set me up with him at first but I said he has a girlfriend. Now, my close friends from the same circle say that if he didn't have a girlfriend, we suited each other. So I am really confused why people think that way? And what are your takeaways from this? 

For context, I am a straight F (22) and we're the same age but I am a couple of days older. I've never been in relationships and I don't know anything about it. I am also in the spectrum and I identify as ace. We're both in uni and in a male-dominated college and I hang out with guys a lot (platonically) so I don't think much about those things. 

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I don't know what to tell you, I'm 22 years old but I don't know about relationships, whether sexual, romantic or platonic. There are many types of relationships and they are all different, but in my case, like me, I haven't had any type of relationship. They are when people interact together in more of a sentimental, emotional and sexual way, but I realize that you are asexual, I am aromantic and asexual.

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