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I got a necklace and ring.


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I had a field trip today and I used like 20 bucks to get these...it was my brothers money....

It seems like a waste of money but I am kinda using them to show pride. Y'know how a black ring on the right middle finger can show you are ace and a white ring and left middle finger for aro? And grey on either finger for greyaro and grey ace? Well, I thought that since the ring I got is metallic I and kinda shifts colours I could use it to show being aroaceflux (or just other a-spec labels in general). I think this could catch on tbh, I don't think there are a lot of ways to show pride for many microlabels.

And the necklace is kinda self-explanatory, it has an arrow on it.


I actually really like the idea I had for the ring thing lol. But if anyone could tell me other ways to show subtle pride for aspec labels, that'd be great :)

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omg I love this so much, the necklace is so pretty and simple. for me, I like to make pins that subtly include the pride flag colors, once I made an aroace one that looked like a sunset on the ocean 

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13 minutes ago, Opal said:

omg I love this so much, the necklace is so pretty and simple. for me, I like to make pins that subtly include the pride flag colors, once I made an aroace one that looked like a sunset on the ocean 

Yes I love subtle pride colors! For my icons on different websites, I love taking the colors of pride and just blending them so it's not obviously a pride flag but I can still have the colors. It's like a fun little secret. I sadly don't have anything aro colored but I have stickers of rainbow Mario and a bird that just happened to be trans colors. Also a bracelet that's trans pride colors.

In general I just like taking things that may not have been intended to be prideful but are good symbols anyway. I should DIY an aro pride patch for my jacket...

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