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Arophobia from cousin


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So I was having a conversation from my cousin and we are discussing my sexuality and he said how do you know if you don't try a relationship? Not right now but down the road I'm worried you'll be lonely without a partner during your 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's.

That made me really upset. He acted like he understood when he really didn't. Why are people like this?

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2 hours ago, DeathlyAngel said:

That made me really upset. He acted like he understood when he really didn't. Why are people like this?

Right? My brother said I should try a relationship at least once and I agreed but later said people who don't feel attraction are psychopaths... 🥲

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3 hours ago, DeathlyAngel said:

Why are people like this?

Because it is really hard to understand something that isn't your experience. Coming from the other end, I had a hard time understanding sexual attraction was an actual thing (being ace and growing up very religiously), and it took a friend explaining to me how it was real and some time thinking about it before I accepted that. 

So it just takes some time. There's a difference between people who just don't understand, and people who refuse to listen or put in the effort to understand (and idk which one your cousin is but I'm just saying)

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