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Been feeling confused. Is this platonic or romantic love?

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I recently became really good friends with this girl and we both have really come to love each other. I have a really strong connection with her and I'd do pretty much anything for her.


The other day she confessed that she thinks she might be developing romantic feelings for me. I don't have any desire to be in a relationship with her, but after she told me this I realized that I would be willing to enter a relationship with her if that was something that brought her happiness. I love her and I want nothing more than her happiness, so if entering a relationship with her made her happy, I would totally do it. But outside of that I don't feel any need or desire to be in a relationship with her.


I'm just confused on whether this means this is romantic attraction or not. All I know is I love her a lot, I want to be close to her and I want to make her happy. I don't particularly care what type of relationship we have and whether it's friendship or a romantic relationship. All I really care about is her happiness. I don't even think I know the difference between platonic and romantic love honestly.

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2 hours ago, Mateo115 said:

I'm just confused on whether this means this is romantic attraction or not.


If it feels right or like it makes sense to call it romantic attraction, then it is. If not, then no need to. Not everyone finds non/romantic distinctions useful or important. Since it's something you're asking yourself, though -- I'd also suggest asking yourself this: If you came to a definitive answer on this, what would that do for you? Are you wondering because you're wondering if you should change how you label your identity, or because you're wondering how you should proceed with the relationship, or something else?


2 hours ago, Mateo115 said:

I don't even think I know the difference between platonic and romantic love honestly.


Me neither. For me, that's a part of why I identify as quoiromantic -- "is this that feeling romantic or not?" for me just ended up being a tiresome and unproductive question that never went anywhere. It may or may not be the same way for you; I'm just explaining where I'm coming from on that.


In any case, I'm glad you've found someone you really love and want to be close to. That's really something special when that happens. Cheers to you both! :icecream::icecream:

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  • 1 month later...

It could be platonic attraction and you could be romance-neutral (esp if you're neutral to the type of relationship it is). Anyway, if you are romance-neutral aro or you are some sort of greyro (like quoiromantic) the result will most probably be sort of the same. And as for any relationship platonic or romantic communication is crucial - hope it all works out and there is a happy platonic or romantic ending ?

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