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Posts posted by Ekaterina

  1. You did tell him you don't have time to be talking with him, but he ignored you. You did try to leave, but he forced you to stay. You literally said you don't want him touch you, twice, as well as trying to free yourself physically, and he ignored everything and literally laughed. It is not a misunderstanding, he realized well you are uncomfortable, but didn't care. And yes, like the comment above says, it is textbook sexual harassment. And deliberate one. This guy is absolutely NOT good company. 

  2. Yeah... Not even all allos develop romantic (and especially sexual) feelings at 13... But somehow a kid has to be asking "is this normal". Maybe this kid is aro, maybe they aren't, but still, if their environment is requiring them at 13 to have romantic and sexual feelings to be considered normal... 

  3. 1 hour ago, Cavetowns_fkin_awesome said:

    I was saying there were 8 people in this group "all of US" including the speaking characters

    I really do appreciate the help but I do not know what you're trying to say (IM SO SORRY IM A DUMBASS)

    What about the four who couldn't come as the characters say? Do they appear later directly, or only discussed by the eight characters whom we see?

    On other stuff, I'll try to be clearer: who your characters are? Did you invent them or are they from an existing material? Maybe they are characters from your other projects or something? Basically, what do you know about them besides how they look? Or do you need help with inventing their character too? You said you want to make some aspec, cool, what else you want them to be? 

    Do you want them to be funny (you said you want a funny scene)? 

    Do you want any of them to be assholes for the story to laugh at, or do you want everyone to be adorable? 

  4. 31 minutes ago, Cavetowns_fkin_awesome said:

    Just a fun scene

    No, it was a weird lesson I didn't really understand but I'm doing a scene anyways

    Not really, I started writing but I'm stuck here:


    JESSE: “Sage hurry up, we need to get going.”

    SAGE: “Hold on! I’m trying to put my pins on my jacket!”
    (Sage is struggling to add a pin with the asexual flag and another pin with the nonbinary flag on their denim jacket)

    JESSE: “I’m going to get the car started, I’ll meet you outside”

    SAGE: “Alright.” (Sage finishes places their pins on the jacket and walks to the car)

    JESSE: (Jesse starts driving) “You should make a groupchat with everyone, make sure they’re all still coming.”

    SAGE: “Wait how many people will be there?” (Sage looks confused)

    JESSE: (Amused) “You didn’t hear that we’re bringing the whole gang?”

    SAGE: “Wait, in ‘the whole gang’ you mean like, EVERYONE?”

    JESSE: “Yep, all 8 of us.” 

    SAGE: “Wow, ok I was just expecting Kaye, Vinn, and us.”

    JESSE: “Well some people might have to cancel, that’s why you should make the chat, ask them.”

    SAGE: “Yeah ok.” 


    SAGE: “Ren, Bismuth, Charlie, and Haven can’t make it. Too bad, I haven’t seen Bismuth in a while.”

    JESSE: “Yeah, but we’ll still have a good time!” (Glances as Sage at a red light and smiles lightly, Sage doesn’t see this)


    SAGE: (Knocks)

    VINN: (Answers door) “Sage! Jesse! Hey guys!” (Smiles at them)


    KAYE: “Hey guys!” (Excited)

    SAGE: “Kaye! Hi!” (Runs over and hugs)

    KAYE: “Oh my god, did you hear what happened?”

    SAGE: “Hold on, let’s get drinks and sit down then let’s chat.”


    JESSE: “Kaye, how did you get here so fast? Usually you’re late.” (Teasingly)


    KAYE: “Well, I wanted to tell you what happened. So, you know how Bismuth, Haven, Ren, and Charlie couldn’t make it?”

    SAGE: “Yeah? What happened?”


    Idk what should happen T-T

    Okay, that's something for a starting idea. 

    First thing, how many characters are there? Your beginning mentions the group of eight people and four who didn't come and apparently are going to be important in the story, so that's 12. Pretty many, but can be done okay if balanced. So, about them. 

    You said you have detailed description of the way the characters look while not knowing anything else. Why, do you have pictures you use as inspiration? Then look at them again and, well, imagine stuff. What their personalities can be? What are the relationships between them? From what I see seems like they are young people who spend time together, what connects them? Is it same school, same interests, maybe some are related? Maybe some are fresh acquaintances and some old friends? This kind of thing. 

    Do you want any bad guys? Since it's meant a comedy (did I interpret right since you said fun scene?), it can include some satirizing of a common, or, on the contrary, uncommon but hilarious asshole-ish mentality, it can be releasing and satisfying as well as fun. If you don't want it, what do you want to base the humour on? Something hilarious that happened to the characters, or vivid and fun reactions in a more trivial situation? You can combine the options if you want. 

    Think of how they talk, some little nuance of behavior, since there are a lot of characters over a small text, they should be distinctive enough for the reader not to be lost who is who. Especially if those offscreen four are going to make an onscreen appearance later. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Cavetowns_fkin_awesome said:

    It's really anything, being written for any audience, any goal, any plot, there is actually nothing behind it is just a screenplay of anything at all

    Is it some kind of assignment for a study? 

    Or like a creative game where everyone writes a small scene for fun?

    Since you said "scene or sequel", does it mean participants can choose between continuing other submissions or writing their own original ones? Or does it mean you are allowed to continue an existing story, basically that fanfiction is allowed? 

    Is the only rule that you have the characters to include? Do these characters have only the set visual like in your example, do they have personality, backstory, anything? 

  6. 2 hours ago, Cavetowns_fkin_awesome said:

    Sorry I just saw this T-T

    So we're doing a scene or sequel I need help on the plot

    I'm doing a scene and I have a characters but no plot :/

    (For an idea on my characters here's one of their descriptions:

    Sage, Non-binary, They/Them, Medium length hair, Light brown hair, Straight hair, Green eyes, 5’4, 19 years, Wears lot’s of overalls, Sweaters, Frogs and possums, Converse, Painted black nails, Mushroom necklace, Non-binary hoop earrings,  Strawberry Bucket hat, Embroidery thread bracelets, Septum piercing, Very neat straight teeth, Eyeliner and a little bit of highlighter, Sun tattoo on wrist, Dimples, Light freckles, Lots of bracelets)


    I have until tomorrow for this 

    nothing yet just my character plans


    Sage, Non-binary, They/Them, Medium length hair, Light brown hair, Straight hair, Green eyes, 5’4, 19 years, Wears lot’s of overalls, Sweaters, Frogs and possums, Converse, Painted black nails, Mushroom necklace, Non-binary hoop earrings,  Strawberry Bucket hat, Embroidery thread bracelets, Septum piercing, Very neat straight teeth, Eyeliner and a little bit of highlighter, Sun tattoo on wrist, Dimples, Light freckles, Lots of bracelets

    this and a few other characters is all i've got help please

    tysm idk what to do

    What kind of scene? Sequel to what? Why are you doing this, what is the goal of this? Who this play is being written for?

  7. Well, my story is pretty simple. 

    Realized as a teen (was something about 14 I think) that I don't fall in love. Thought maybe I would fall in love with any of two boys from the class who were nice as people, but didn't. Related at the point to an opera character who couldn't fall in love (and that character was seen as not having place in the human world over it and ended very bad, so yep, the parallel wasn't promising much). Heard "Which boy do you like" and "Why don't you have a boyfriend" from certain girls in the class each time they happened to speak to me, and for several reasons including this came to (temporarily) hate peer company. 

    After school things were mostly okay, no one in the university was treating me as inferior, but I still wasn't being particularly close to anyone my age, just not being actively sociable and not feeling many common points, for much more reasons than aromanticism, but I admit they were good people and good to study with. 

    Learned about the term aromanticism something like a year ago. Came to identify as such pretty soon. Considered demi at first, because I didn't exclude the idea of having a partner based on personal closeness one day, then decided that even if I find such a partner, my feelings to them would be more platonic than romantic. 

    Never dated, as already said. Mostly neutral to fictional romance (there are exceptions). Can crush on fictional characters (right now am not having an active fictional crush, but remember some of the former ones fondly). Am critical of negative tendencies in romantic media and shipping culture and willing to learn more about the flaws, including those related to obsessive or unhealthy character crushes (myself have treated fandom stuff as too serious business and want to be able to avoid it better). 

    Love my mother and other family members. Love the world, nature and cultures too. Love my special interests. Love good children's books, mystery books and not only them. Love learning new skills lately. Doing academic research (linguistics) as profession and having creative plans. Basically, a happy person, and wish the same to you! 💚

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  8. 2 hours ago, CORALINE said:

    I've thought about it but I don't think it would make him comfortable, plus I don't live in a English-speaking country so it may sound a ljttle weird to tell...? 😅

    Why do you think it wouldn't be comfortable for him? And what is the language native to you two if you don't mind telling? 

  9. Hello, welcome! 

    On questions and wording them, not sure how to do universal advice how should you word them, so just try to find a fitting part of the forum, a fitting topic if it exists or create one if you have problem finding one, and ask what you wanted? If people don't understand what you mean they'll ask you about the confusing part, so everything should be okay. I'll on my end will try to do what I can to be helpful.☺

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  10. 14 hours ago, Jett222 said:

    Yeah I’m sorry if that didn’t make sense but the answer is a bit of a yes answer because I do just find the general aesthetic of the person to be attractive and with those 2-3 crushes I should have said that they were stronger than just me looking at someone who just looks nice. Also for your last question the answer is sorta. I don’t do that with every single person I meet, but most of the time I do.

    (Sorry for the change in answers and for the late response)

    I see. 

    So about cupio and oriented aroace, I searched to learn more about oriented aroace, and the definition is if you find that non-romantic non-sexual attraction (aesthetic in your case) important enough to be expressed in your label, while the term cupio focuses on wanting a romantic relationship, so to choose between them you'd need to decide what is more relevant in your identity, wanting a romantic relationship specially or having specially strong aesthetic attraction? As for if you can have both, to me it looks like they aren't contradictory so there's no issue with having both if that's how you feel. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Jett222 said:

    Okay it’s a bit weird. I’ve never really had crushes that last long as how I hear they do. I’ve found this online which might help because I’m really bad at explaining things, so sorry for that. (The red is the feelings I feel with the crushes). Also no for your first question it’s just how they look, like for example, that celebrity looks attractive and that’s really it.


    Thanks for explanation! I didn't understand through, the part on "a celebrity looks attractive and that's it" - does it describe your "crushes" or does it describe the general aesthetic attraction out of your "crushes"? Because if it's the first, then would it mean you found someone look attractive only 2-3 times in your life? (Which sounds a bit strange for me) Also you said in the first post that you imagine romantic relationship with your crushes, does it happen with everyone you find pretty/beautiful? 

    (Good table by the way) 

  12. 27 minutes ago, Jett222 said:

    I have, but it doesn’t really fit me since I’ve never actually fully fallen in love with anyone and I’ve only just had minor crushes. For me when it comes to attraction, it’s mainly just aesthetic attraction.

    Probably exploring better what do you mean by "minor crushes" and what their difference from "fully in love" is could be helpful? For me, crushes (even very mild) and aesthetic attraction seem to be different, as in, as a fictoromantic I had situations when I really liked a character aesthetically without any semblance of a crush, or on the contrary, crushed on one whose existing visualization wasn't aesthetically attractive to me. But for you, your "minor crushes" happen only to people you are aesthetically attracted to, right? You said you had only 2-3, is there anything that differed them from other people you find aesthetically attractive? Could you explain why do you call them crushes, what is romantic about them? Or nothing and you just use it as an easier word? 

    (Sorry for many questions, I just wanted to clarify to understand your situation better) 

  13. Hi and welcome! Hope this resource can help you figure out your romantic orientation better; for starts, "attraction" can mean very different things, maybe you experience aesthetic attraction, or sexual (are aroallo), or romantic under some very specific circumstances (are on the aro spectrum, like greyaro, demiaro, etc.) Either way, we're happy to see you here! 

  14. 13 minutes ago, Picklethewickle said:

    The only bit of media that has relationships that I don't actively hate is Murdoch Mysteries. On that show, the writers idea of a romantic relationship is having people spend time with each other and be familiar toward each other. It comes across as a whole lot more normal and healthy than many romance cliches.

    I heard about this show, and good things. Your commentary makes it sound more interesting, maybe I'll look out for it. 

    Also, fully agree that it's a healthier relationship pattern than many media cliches. It isn't the only work in existence that does it through, so hope you can discover more stories that suit you. 

    • Like 1
  15. On 6/9/2023 at 1:06 AM, The Newest Fabled Creature said:

    I though that mistletoes were cruel practical jokes too!

    Well I don't belong to a culture that has this tradition and know it only from Western media and stuff, but it kind of feels for me this way too? I mean, if people want to kiss each other they can do it regardless of mistletoe, and the point of the mistletoe kissing is that you cannot say no to whoever may want to kiss you, which is... not a good thing? And forcing the actual couples to make a public show for people to laugh at out of their relationship isn't good either? Or do I misunderstand it? (You said "I thought" not "I think", so your view changed?) 

    On 6/12/2020 at 9:31 AM, Queasy_Attention said:

    YMBAI you grew up thinking that romantic attraction was just platonic attraction + sexual attraction, not a unique type of attraction on its own.


    On 5/13/2017 at 11:39 PM, DeltaAro said:

    At least in English (similarly as in Dutch) you can say “I love you” (“ik hou van jou”) and it's not necessarily romantic (aside from the context, only the tone of voice makes it romantic). In many other languages this is not the case: “te amo”, “je t'aime” (okay, I guess in Belgium you could use this non-romantically, but not in France), “ich liebe dich” etc. are all clear-cut romantic (the non-romantic versions would be “te quiero”, “je t'aime bien”, “ich habe dich lieb”), this makes it even more difficult, lol

    Wouldn't it make it on the contrary easier? If there's one expression for romance and other expression that isn't romance-coded and therefore absolutely safe in non-romantic contexts? 

  16. As far as I'm aware, a lot of aros during adolescent years mistake stuff for crushes. Strong friendship, aesthetic attraction, admiration of their skill, even just feeling comfortable with someone or finding them a nice person. Especially if they don't know they are aros at the moment and think everyone is supposed to have crushes, so they search for those in their life with a magnifying glass. 

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  17. First of all you should be honest with him and tell him everything, what kind of relationship do you want, basically what you have written here. 

    On both being uncomfortable with romantic things and craving it... I don't know why it happens, but again if you tell him maybe you can figure out together what to do about it. Just don't pressure yourself into doing uncomfortable things (esp to please the other party). 

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