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Everything posted by yippeeeeeee

  1. Thank you for replying! I do say that I have already solved this issue and I really think I made the right decision. But I do appreciate this comment because I have trouble with calming down sometimes and the dice thingy my come in handy. :D
  2. Thank you, this has helped me a lot and made things clearer for me. Thank you
  3. Mainly me questioning everything, and also for school we had to answer a question; What is love. ANd i genuinely didn't know
  4. So, i am quoiromantic and i have been in a relationship with this dude for about two months now (let's call him Lex). And i have to say things are moving VERY fast (i am not going into details and if you ask im really not going to /srs). I felt comfortable in with Lex and i really liked him, he is a really nice guy after all. But i don't think i like him anymore (i think i really don't know i never knew since he asked me out first). And i think i want to break up, but there's something on my mind because we've been trough a lot in these 2 months and i don't want to make him feel worthless and i want to stay friends but uhm, there's is this other guy who has been flirting with me for a really long time now (he's my best friend btw and it started about 4 years ago (lets call him peter)). Now, Peter confessed to my about a month ago about his feelings, he knew about me and Lex's relationship but there were a lot of things happening between me and Peter at the moment. I think i may have developed feeling for Peter but i really don't know. I have the same feelings for Peter as for Lex (I'm polyamorous so yeah), but i don't know FOR BOTH OF THEM if i have romantic feeling of if i just want to stay friends. Now, what i haven't mentioned yet is that me and Lex are in a long distance relationship and me and Peter are just about 10 KM from each others homes and we see each other quite regularly. My love language is physical touch, and i bond with people in that way, so it has been hard with me and Lex. I have said to Peter, like, i would break up with Lex a few days after his trip to Rome, since i wouldn't want to ruin his trip (i don't want to ruin anything at all actually), and that's over a few days. And Peter begun saying that we could have a relationship if i were single again. Which i agreed to cause why not? Well because Lex knows about the flirting that Peter does and REALLY doesn't like this. I am his first ever boyfriend so i see where it comes from. Now, if i break up with Lex, he'll assume it is because of Peter, and ruin the friendship between them. And i really don't want that. I also don't know HOW to break up with him since with all my previous relationships i got dumped- Is it also not weird to say that if things don't work out of things go wrong in my life, and if im also still single by then, that I'm open for a relationship but for now i really don't know how to feel. I'm so sorry if all this is really confusing, i topic shift a lot and English is not my first language. <3
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