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Posts posted by lexthemouse

  1. I love spending 1 on 1 time with my best friend. I prefer it tbh as being in a group of  friends is more awkward for me because if conversation slows it feels like you have to come up with a new topic or something. but 1 on 1 there's less awkwardness and the acknowledgement we don't have to be constantly talking.

  2. On 9/27/2021 at 3:41 PM, Ikarus said:

    I just thought it would be interesting to discuss cuddling. It's something I have never done, and I don’t know if I would ever feel comfortable doing it. There is the idea of cuddling and the reality, if my idea is no where close to reality then I would probably hate cuddling. That would mean I loved the idea of cuddling more than cuddling. 

    One of the things about cuddling I like is its not sexual, at least how I see it. The intention behind cuddling would also be important with me. If there are any romantic or sexual intentions, I would feel uncomfortable.

    Also I don’t think most guy are into cuddling, at least my straight friends would not at all feel comfortable lmao.... Its a social stigma I suppose, and dudes usually like competing with video games, and the like and not being intimate like this. 

    More dudes should cuddle in my opinion, its cool, and it’s alright. It would help the whole male problem with appearing hyper stoic, and emotionless. Feeling is seen as a weakness a lot, and I think its a sign of toxic masculinity. But if your just not comfortable with cuddling as a dude, that’s your thing, do what you wanna do right... But no need to feel awkward by wanting to cuddle with your bro because of social stigmas. 

    Anyway, those are my thoughts how about you people. 

    I don't mind cuddling with family that much but outside of that and very close friends I'm usually not a big fan of physical touch in general if I'm not initiating it.

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  3. On 11/5/2021 at 6:40 AM, Cocothecoconut said:

    So as an aro/ace(aegosexual), i have many sexual fantasies and kinks but most of my sexual fantasies are involved with fictional characters. I’m repulsed by the idea of myself having sex with people irl. But i’ve never had any romantic fantasies about my fictional crushes(like getting married or being in a relationship)

    Here’s a few sexual fantasies i’m comfortable mentioning:

    • Having sex with strangers 

    • Having sex at a bar, nightclub or public toilets 

    • Laying naked outside my terrace 


    So yeah do you guys have any sexual fantasies/kinks? It’s absolutely ok if you don’t have.

    Same here with the fictional character bit! 

    I used to think I was gray-ace but after my first sexual experience with another person i'm pretty sure I'm completely sex repulsed. I also am definitely with you on the romantic fantasy part.

  4. I've been wondering if I was aromantic for a while but recently I've been questioning even more and after more research I've realized that I definitely am. I've always had a hard time telling the difference between platonic and romantic feelings, and in all my relationships after getting seriously romantic I get uncomfortable with affection and flirting. And I always wish we could just be friends.  I also  identify as asexual but I've known that for longer. I've been dating my partner for about 3, almost 4 months and we've been talking for about 6. We started as friends and eventually started going out on dates and then made it official. I've said I love them and all that other affectionate stuff but I'm realizing now I think I've always liked us better as friends because I don't like the idea of us romantically but I do like us platonically.  I feel horrible for only realizing this now and I feel as If I've been leading them on. I realize I said that  stuff because I thought that's what people  are supposed to say in a romantic/sexual relationship. The big problem I have is if I should keep this a secret or tell my partner. I don't want to hurt them and I know if I come out we'll definitely break up. But I also realize that keeping a secret like this won't help anything and our relationship will deteriorate on it's own. If anyone's gone through  a similar situation I'd be very glad for any advice at all.

    TLDR: I'm asexual and don't know how to tell my partner

    (PS: sorry for the rambling)

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