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Posts posted by queer_kaleidoscope


    I'm sorry this is just the most recent video I've watched-

    It's amusing but also I'm genuinely interested in this kid's complaints regarding the Sonic fanbase (even though I know close to nothing about Sonic).

    1. what if a magical genie appeared to you and asked you to make any wish and they would grant it so you wished to become the fastest sprinter in the world so the genie grants your wish but makes it so that you can only run a sub 10 second 100m in stilettos so you start your career as a track and field athlete and imediatly run the 100m in a record time of 9.49 seconds shattering usain bolt's previous record of 9.58 and you get to the olympics and they allow you to run in stilettos so you demolish the competition in the semi finals but once you get to the finals your stilettos malfunction and you break your ankle


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