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Posts posted by Mihiko

  1. The latest, clear sign I was aromantic that I can remember was during my primary school. My classmates were talking about crushes in class, who they like and why. And I was just listening to them thinking 'why they are so excited about?' 'isn't she too young to be in love? She is like 11'.

    So I was just being silent and awkward in my head. And then the most feared question come: Who is your crush? - moment of thinking and I said I don't. Of course, it's weird to not to have crush in age of 11 and I was obviously lying. That what my classmates assumed and they pushed me to tell them who was it. I come out with the first name I could recall and it was the name of the boy in my class. Fortunately, they weren't strong in trying to get us together because there was another girl who liked him and they were her friends. But then there were a few situations for which I wanted to hit myself in the head at that moment.

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  2. Hello, I joined today and I quite recently discovered I can be in aromantic spectrum.

    I read about what aromantic means and about signs of aromantic of other people. Many of them is matching: I never had a crush, I had to come out with some when I was talking with my friends. The possible crush was after all a 'squish' in fact. I'm romantic repulsive to idea of me in relationship and I not always understand the romantic actions of others. Or the concept of love itself. I always thought that there was something wrong with me because others found each other one or more partners and I didn't even want to think about it too much. And there is many other factors that indicate that I'm aromantic.

    But I still enjoy some romantic stories. I have ships and I have few favourite romance stories that I like to read/watch. Does that mean I'm not aromantic and confuse it with something else?

    Usually, when watching / reading other genres, I do not pay attention to whether there is any romance in it. I also remember that in some stories I felt repulsive at the sight of some romantic actions or did not understand how the characters came together even though others took it for certainty. I like some romances for other features like e.g. representation of the world or a dash. However, I really like some of them for a main relationship and I have a lot of ships or OC that I create to be with some character. Does that exclude me from being an aromatic?

    Thank you if you choose to answer. I don't know if my problem is trivial and I shouldn't write it, but I'm very anxious when I finally start to understand something about myself and I don't have any other people to ask so I decided to write here.

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