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Posts posted by PhysicsOwl

  1. I don't want kids, but I think that it's more influenced by my being ace. I guess my aro-ness would influence me not wanting to adopt, but I don't know how to separate those. And honestly I don't really like kids, so I would be happy just being an aunt to my friends' and siblings' kids. 

    • Like 2
  2. I was at a club thing last night and I was talking with these two guys that are in the club with me but I don't know very well. One of them says, "You know, I've been pretty lonely in college" and I'm about to agree, like I have friends but I don't really feel like part of group, you know, and then he continues, "I haven't had a girlfriend my whole time here even though I had one in high school, and it'll be hard to meet people once I graduate", and then I was like, oh yes, I totally agree, that's definitely what I meant. 

    • Like 9
  3. 22 hours ago, breaddd said:

    Quidditch? Quidditch! QUIDDITCH! xD 

    Your post also made me happy.


    18 hours ago, OptimisticPessimist said:


    Made me Happy too!

    Aww I'm glad I made you guys happy! My team made it to the round of 16 and is playing again this afternoon, so Quidditch (and making you happy about Quidditch) is making me happy today too. There's a live stream if you want to watch (not my team right now, but it's still cool) http://livestream.com/accounts/14425014

    • Like 1
  4. 22 hours ago, Spud said:



    HAMILTON IS AMAZING. I got the cast album for Christmas and it's the only thing I listen to in the car. My car ride to school is almost as long as both CDs, so i just swap them back and forth forever basically. What's your favorite song?

    • Like 2
  5. My little sister has started wearing an ace ring, and she hasn't explained to any one what it is and I don't think she knows that I know what it is. But neither of us have talked about it with our family, even with each other, so I'm not sure how our family would take it. She also has friendship bracelets in multiple pride flag colors, but its hard to tell if they're for pride or because the colors look nice together, so I don't know if she's what her romantic orientation is. Once I come out, I'll probably talk to her about it, but I'm not really sure if either of us will tell our parents. I also don't know how our parents would react if they knew we were /both/ ace. We're not a family that talks a lot about our feelings, so. I hope my brother gets married and has kids, because our parents might be sad if none of us do, and it might soften the blow. 


    (wow that was a ramble-y mess, I'm sorry. It's late)

    • Like 4
  6. I'm 20, so your poll puts me in 2 different age ranges. Is there a way you can make it so that ages aren't repeated (eg. 15-20, 21-25, 26-30, etc)? Having repeated ages might mess up the data and can be confusing. (not trying to be mean or anything, I am also curious about this and look forward to seeing the results)

    • Like 6
  7. I'm going to defer to someone more knowledgeable here, but I think on some other post there was discussion of the definition of asexuality as lack of sexual attraction and lack of desire for partnered sex. So while romantic attraction is harder to define than sexual attraction, we might want to add in a part about lack of desire for a romantic relationship, though that does bring its own problems also. 


    Aromanticism is inherently defined by the lack of something which makes it hard to pinpoint exactly, but hopefully we can come to some consensus. 

    • Like 7
  8. My best friend who's a bi girl had a crush on me right now which is super weird and I've been trying to ignore (I might make another post about this but idk where?). I can see how it would be worse with straight boys because they often don't know how to take no for an answer. So I'm afraid of letting her down by not liking her back and I'm afraid of losing her once she finds out I don't feel the same way, and she's really important to me so I really don't want that to happen. I'm also afraid to come out to her because of this even though I trust her to be okay with it. 


    I am also afraid of ending up alone and lonely. I'm not good at emotionally connecting to people regardless of our relationship and even though I love my friends very much, I never feel like I'm their number one, even the ones who are single. Even if we manage to stay friends once we graduate, I'm not good at keeping in touch so we probably wouldn't be close. I would hate to live alone, but you can only have a roommate for so long. Basically all my friends are going to move away and have awesome families and friends that aren't me and I'll be someone they remember fondly and send Christmas cards to. I feel lonely enough now as it is and I have a roommate and some awesome friends who I see everyday, so I can't imagine how I'll survive alone for my whole adult life with just seeing my co workers and family occasionally. I can't even be a cat lady because I'm allergic. 


    Sorry that was long, but it's good to get it off my chest. I'm glad it's not just me who feels this way. 



    • Like 6
  9. I dated a guy for about 8 months because I didn't know I was aro yet. Being in that relationship was actually how I realized I was aro, because I was previously lumping a lot of my aromanticism in with my asexuality and thought I could have a romantic relationship. Once I was in the relationship, I realized I felt trapped and uncomfortable and I'm not into physical affection, but I took me a long time to break up with him because we should have been really good together and I wanted it to work. He's great and we're friends again now, but it was really hard after a while for me to force myself to spend time with him and be a 'good girlfriend' even though I wasn't really sure I liked him.  

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  10. I've never been able to stand cheesy romance movies or even cheesy romantic subplots in stuff, and I hate when people ruin perfectly good movies by shoehorning love triangles into them. I've known the 'too aro for this shit' feel before I knew I was aro

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