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Posts posted by ArodynamicallyFavored

  1. I just thought I'd start a thread for any non-binary arospec individuals.


    I'm curious. Has your gender identity ever effected who you are/were romantically attracted to?

    meant this to be a "catch all" thread & just started it with a random question I thought of. Anything can go here!!

    • Like 7
  2. The responses I've received from coming out vary.

    I told two of my friends that I was aro ace & s*x repulsed. One of them is Demisexual...they knew before I did that I was all of this and it hit me like an epiphany when I finally figured myself out!!! :D

    I told my family & they think I'm in denial & they legitimately PRAY that I change/grow out of it when I get older. They don't want me to "die alone".... That's what my friends & two dogs will be for. DUH o.O My family also thought I was a lesbian for the past year or so. I've been told stuff about that not being human and I'll change some day and blabity blah blah


    I told my two friends that I identified as genderqueer and then as a maverique. My friends are extremely cool with it!!

    My mom just looked at me,said two sentences along the line of "that's interesting", and has never brought it up again since. I think she's passing it off as a phase than anything else by how passive she was about it.... It's not like her to say little to nothing about ANYTHING .¬¬

  3. Definitely trains!! Which is sad since I live below sea level. I'm weird as usual 9_9



    Get a brain freeze every 30 minutes or accidently bite your cheek sides every 30 minutes?

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