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Posts posted by time-is-ticking

  1. i feel like gender identity is a bit different than being aro and/or ace spec, it's not about attraction which i'd argue the aromantic and asexual spectrums are about. however, i'm very open to the idea that i might be wrong in thinking this.

    and i agree with nonmerci, do agender people want to be included in the a-spec? did we include them without asking them about where they feel they belong?

    i personally don't include agender people in the a-spec and i don't see many posts mentioning agender people along with aro and ace people. i'd argue we share the a but not the a-spec? maybe? 

    • Thanks 1
  2. You sound on the aromantic spectrum to me. And in regards to sexual attraction, there's aceflux as well, just like aroflux. You sound like you could be both?


    On 1/10/2020 at 2:29 PM, Luci said:

    But in my mind there is this wall, this thing I just cannot put my finger on.

    I relate a lot to this actually! ^^


    Don't feel guilty. The relationships you have with other people don't have involve romantic attraction to be meaningful, and you don't owe anyone romantic feelings.

  3. Might I just say that the word you may be looking for instead of aro-spec is greyromantic? It's a word both used as an orientation label and as an umbrella term for the grey area on the aromantic spectrum. The aro spec encompasses aromantic as well, you see.

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  4. 6 hours ago, honeypandan said:

    Like, a day of making out would equal to about 2-3 weeks of needing some personal space. (I think I’ve dated some angels with incredible patience).

    i just said "omg" out loud to this. i relate /so/ much.


    welcome to arocalypse!! 

  5. I feel you.


    Here's a thread with a playlist of aro friendly songs:



    Here's a thread too: 

    Hope this helps :aropride: I'm not sure how aro and ace friendly they are, but I hope you can relate to most of them anyway.

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  6. Most of these are just "I'm a bad person" and not necessarily "I'm a bad aro" but I see a lot of "writing aro characters who are like this is bad representation" and I feel like I would be bad representation.

    • I can come off as cold and uninterested when I can tell that someone wants to be my friend. I become even colder if I suspect that they have a crush on me, but sometimes that makes them think that I'm just playing hard to get??? and I feel so bad about it
    • I've been depressed for several years, and that can sometimes make it hard to care about other people. I try! I do my best! But maintaining friendships consumes so much energy and when I feel like shit, I just... need to be alone sometimes, and people think I'm ignoring them
    • I could be aro ace because of mental illness, but who knows
    • I've been in relationships before
    • I didn't try to find out what was "wrong" with me when none of my relationships lasted longer than three days, I just accepted that I didn't feel "like that" about anyone. I didn't feel broken, I never thought I was. (After identifying as aro ace, I've come to realize that yeah, I did feel kind of broken, I just didn't want to think too much about it).
    • I can be manipulative (or I feel manipulative, because some of my friends just never have any ideas of their own and are always ok with my ideas, so I don't know what to do in that situation. I know I'm not being manipulative, I'm not pressuring them into doing anything, but I feel like I am, because what if they're afraid to say no?)
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