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Posts posted by hippiecat

  1. I'm currently feeling a lot like this. Sometimes I feel so disconnected from friends and family, and really want an aro soulmate type of person in my life. It seems unfair that you need to feel and show romantic/sexual attraction to connect with someone deeply (not that that's true, but sometimes it feels like it). I dunno, confusing things.

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  2. I guess I fear a little bit about all my friends leaving me for romantic partners... But then again, it seems like that won't be an issue for many years since I'm so young. And I'm pretty hopeful that I'll find good friends who'll stick around ^^. Maybe even some of my current friends will stay with me, who knows 9_9

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  3. Good luck to everyone who are thinking about coming out!


    I don't think I'll be coming out to anyone unless they ask me about it. Like if my dad wanted to know if I was a lesbian or something, I would say that I'm asexual and not interested in relationships. Not sure he'd take me seriously but whatever, I think the older I get the more "believable" my aro-aceness becomes, lol.

  4. On 29.7.2017 at 9:37 AM, meesemouse said:

    Ooh how about when friends tease you about liking someone, and you get flustered and irritated trying to explain that you don't like said person whatsoever. Of course, they take it as you being defensive and therefore you are suddenly ~soooo~ in love with this person. I just don't get how people jump to these conclusions :facepalm:


    ohhh i hate this so much. how are you supposed to react if you want to state that you don't like said person? i suppose even ignoring the whole thing would be seen as "proof" of liking someone.


    (also, i seem to have run into you as well :D)

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  5. I first wondered about what was wrong with me around age 14. I could never name a crush when my friends asked about it, and no one believed me. But I was always sure that it would change and all the boys in my class were just gross. I'm 19 now and pretty sure I'm aro/ace but always open to things changing... So in a way I feel like you can know at a very young age and also that you can never truly KNOW. Although sexuality can change so that's that. I'm rambling a bit but I guess you can identify as aro whenever you start feeling like you differ from your peers when it comes to crushes and romance etc. And if one day you realise you're something else, then just go with it, labels aren't everything :P.

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  6. On 6/4/2017 at 0:55 PM, jenny_any_dots said:

    YMBAI you started identifying as ace and then were like how do all these ace people have relationships?... and then read this post about ways YMBA and found a lot of things that you identify with


    just me? haha


    not just you, definitely relate :D


    YMBAI you see a post on tumblr that says "imagine how great it would be if your favorite person was laying in bed next to you right now giving you soft kisses" and your reaction is AAAAHHH GROSS O.o:/

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  7. I play the violin ^^. I'm also going to spend next year studying music in a local conservatory... though after that I'll probably start studying something else at uni :D (not good enough to actually make a living as a musician lol)

  8. Congrats, now you can speak all languages. Too bad aliens who have been spying Earth for a while notice you speaking their language - now they think we've found out about them and decide to attack and kill all of us.


    I wish people weren't so judgemental.

  9. The USB ports all work but it doesn't matter anymore because somebody stole your PC


    I wish I had enough self discipline to start studying instead of spending all my time on the internet.

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