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Tal Shi'ar

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Posts posted by Tal Shi'ar

  1. I'm not entirely sure if I have some repulsion towards romance itself, or other peoples attitude and emphasis towards romance being important. Seeing romantic scenes in tv shows and movies bores the crap out of me. People insinuating that romance would be a good thing for me because they themselves are romantic shits me off.

    That being said, I have had "crushes" before, but even then, I never felt inclined to actually pursue anything. Romance and relationships don't really mean anything to me. There's been plenty of times lately where I've even questioned if those crushes were completely romantic, or just semi romantic. Sure, I was feeling something directed at a particular person, but sometimes, I'm not sure what I was feeling towards them, although that's usually when I'm not crushing and I'm trying to reflect back on them.

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  2. On 4/7/2016 at 1:40 AM, breaddd said:

    I feel like the best people to put this into words would be grayromantic people.

    Not necessarily, this is even a sorta grey murky area for me as well. That's the tricky thing about being in the grey area: you might have some faint romo traits, but not enough to relate to being romantic. Sometimes that can get confusing.  There's always going to be some doubt on which end you are, what you feel, how you think you'd go with relationships etc. It's like a romo limbo of sorts, for me at least.

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