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Posts posted by Aurore214

  1. Let's see I'm a bad aro because:

    1.) I never thought I was broken. Nope, I always thought I just hadn't met the right person yet and that it would all click when I did. I like to think that another reason is that I haven never been asked out before. I'm not exactly a conventionally attractive woman, being on the chubbier side and all. I'm learning to see the beauty in my body, but kids don't usually see that so no one ever asked me out and since I had no romantic feelings for anyone I never asked anyone out myself.


    2.) I'm fine with Valentines Day. Actually, I was born on Valentines Day so I don't really have a reason to dislike it anyway lmao

    and no, the irony of an aromantic being born a day dedicated to romance has not been lost on me xD


    3.) I like reading about love, writing about love, and seeing romance in media. I'm a shipper. I will not deny that. And I've never had a problem with romance. Do I despise how it's shoved down our throats constantly from the moment we're born? Absolutely.


    4.) I'm not sure I've ever had squishes. 


    So yeah. That's what I got off the top of my head lmao


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  2. I think the biggest thing for me was that I never had crushes. Like, I look back now and it all makes sense but, back before I started identifying as aro I used to tell myself that I just hadn't met the right person. My mom used to ask me if I had crushes on any boys at my school and I would always say no 'cause they were "Not good looking or annoying" or whatever else I thought could justify to the both of us why I wasn't interested. One occasion I always think back to is laying on the floor in my mom's room and we were watching Drake and Josh. I guess my mom made some comment about me having a crush on one of the lead actors, Drake Bell, and after that I remember laying on the floor and trying to convince myself I liked him. I can even remember trying the "wistful lovestruck sigh" you see in movies. I gave up trying cause it obviously didn't work.  idk it's just funny to me that in hindsight it just suddenly all makes sense xD 

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