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Posts posted by Lynx

  1. I like being aro! Being aro is very cool and I love knowing that I am not alone! I love freedom and being given easy permission to ignore any standard life goals that do not interest me!

    My biggest gripes are with how the world is often set up for couples, and I do frequently find myself falling into thoughts of "it would be so much easier if I was allo". It is not quite as cool feeling like I will always be second best and I wish it was easier to find someone I can tolerate for stable cohabitation or who values friendships the same way I do. It's frustrating sometimes, but I overall I lean positive knowing that this is the right thing for me. I have society issues, not me issues.

    • Like 7
  2. I do drink socially. Sometimes I even have a nice cider or baileys at home. It's just standard to meet friends at the pub, and there are many drinks I like the taste of. I feel like English pub culture is more acceptable and relaxed than American bar culture (quietly ignoring our binge drinking problem). I could be wrong.

    • Like 3
  3. 22 hours ago, aroMa(n)tisse said:

    I wish I had your love for vacuuming :D Maybe I just have a wrong (too old) cleaner and haven't yet found The Right One™.


    I thought I hated hoovering until I found this gorgeous grey and blue monster, fantastic suction, picks up all the shed hair. You'll change your mind later, you just have to find the right model, trust me!


    (Ok I never hated vacuuming but I just needed to gush about my new hoover, because apparently I live an exciting life.)

    • Like 5
  4. S.A.G.E. Test Results

    Your Raw Score is: -345, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

    Your appearance is Feminine

    Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.

    You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

    You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

    You indicated your were born Female.

    Female to Male possible Transsexual 

    • [none]

    - The only option for enjoying keeping the house clean is to be aroused by being a maid. whut

    - None of the two-second pictures worked for me.

    - None of the hair removal options applied because my hormones are a mess. Where is my "armpits and face" option

    - Possible ftm is interesting but not accurate. I've pondered being nonbinary but ehh. I think I'm just painfully apathetic to gender as it applies to me, too apathetic to commit to anything. giant shrug

    - General agreed mumbling about stereotypes and arousal questions

    • Like 5
  5. I like the idea of raising kids, and all of my younger relatives and honorary niblings are fantastic, but I'm not sure I'll ever be in the right mindset for raising them properly and I can't exactly stop being a parent if it doesn't work out. Plus my reproductive system is a bit questionable so I'd likely have to go through long adopting processes, and I don't know how easy that would be for a commited single person.


    That opinion hasn't really changed throughout my shifting romantic/sexuality status, but discovering alternative relationship and family structures has given me new ideas that might actually work for me. No, I probably won't ever raise biological children in a nuclear family unit, but maybe I could help raise kids in some sort of huge family with multiple parents where everyone pitches in and does their best.


    Or I could just travel the world and not let kids tie me to one place. Either's fine by me. Kids are pretty great but not my ultimate goal. (I am unsure how to vote.)

    • Like 2
  6. Me and my sister are cooking vegan food together. Neither of us are vegan, but both of us like a challenge. Plus our mother never taught us to cook and mocked us if we tried (no innocent mistakes allowed in our house) so it's a shared bonding of "eff that we can teach ourselves". We're having a good time.

    • Like 3
  7. YMBAI you do actually have an Okcupid account, but inspired entirely by that "Cats of Okcupid" post in the hope that someone gets a laugh out of it.


    But hell yeah, give me a "dating" site that lets me find friends, nesting partners and cuddle buddies.

    • Like 11
  8. I had a discussion once where someone agreed that they could love their (romantic) partner, and love their family, but couldn't understand loving your friends. The family-friends parallel didn't work. I had no idea where to take that.

    • Like 8
  9. I'm not explicitly out to my parents, but I think they get the idea, and they just leave me to it. My sister has kids so they've got enough of their grandchild quota filled up. I don't even get comments from grandparents any more, although some of my family are under the impression that I'm dating my housemate (which we absolutely encourage because it's hilarious). I think I just have enough of an independent, blunt & apathetic personality that no one close to me would never expect me to be lovey-dovey with anyone.

    • Like 2
  10. 19 hours ago, Cassiopeia said:

    I agree. Like where? (No, not in the movies. The books. There is nothing romantic in the books  :eyebrow: )




    Very end of the last book, though I realise now I don't have to justify my reasoning extensively since I'm surrounded by people who actually understand that settling down with someone =/= romance. I also haven't seen the films, so I don't really understand your comment - I understand they decided they needed more of a ~love story~ to sell the films? Seems ironic.

    • Like 2
  11. Started off straight, got confused because I thought girls were more aesthetically pleasing than guys, but I didn't wanna date anyone so I must've been asexual (yeah I know), then I got into a relationship so therefore couldn't've been ace (YEAH I KNOW) and wobbled between bi, pan and gay, though it was always hard to tell exactly where I was for lack of data and just accepted whatever labels I was given. I slowly settled on various parts of the aro/ace spectrums when it was obvious that I wasn't developing any significant desires for anyone or anything, but I'm still finding my feet here.

    • Like 1
  12. Because absolutes scare me. I don't like saying never.


    Because I presumably felt romantic attraction once, but I haven't been caught up in it since I started trying to define my romantic orientation. Because I have enjoyed myself in romantic relationships, even if new ones are unappealing, and it just might happen again (though it'd have to be pretty far from society's guidelines for relationships). Because I'd rather have a QPR, or define my own relationship hierarchies. At the very least it's a good placeholder.

    • Like 2
  13. I once found out that a girl I thought was sweet and fascinating had a crush on me, so it seemed the natural thing to pair up. It was actually a very chilled, comfortable relationship, and I was happy and very fond of her. Eventually we broke up when she felt /something/ was wrong, and I mourned not being as close to her as before, but she's in a relationship now that suits her better and I'm very happy solo, so it all worked out. There was always a part of me that was confused that I, the fiercely independent one, had got into a serious romantic relationship, even if said relationship was barely distinguishable from an affectionate friendship most of the time.


    I guess I could have another similar relationship, but I think QPRs are a better description of what I want in a partnership.

    • Like 5
  14. Antimony from Gunnerkrigg Court is so heavily implied to be aro (no romantic interest so far and awkwardness around potential partners, her fear of losing her friends to their romantic partners) that I'm honestly not sure if it's headcanon or straight up canon any more. I might cry if the comic eventually pairs her up unless she goes through some typical aro problems with it.


    Katniss Everdeen also seems like a pretty solid aroace. I know there's some stuff that seemingly contradicts that, but... does it really?

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