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Posts posted by gravityspiker

  1. 5 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    The more people talk to me about it, the more I become convinced that referring to the group you're speaking of as "antis" is a strategically unsound choice.

    I'm not going to debate lexical ambiguity; I'm using a generally accepted term regardless of how you or I personally feel about that term in order to communicate as effectively as possible.

    7 minutes ago, Coyote said:
    19 hours ago, gravityspiker said:

    'Anti' is usually a self-applied term


    Is it?


    That hardly aligns with what I've seen, but alright.

    Most people who label themselves 'antis' will put it in their blog url or description (as "[character]-against-pedos" or "[sexuality/orientation]course" or "[noun]-anti"); others will simply put "no freaks" or similar in their bio, then clarify that "freaks" means "anyone who ships something I consider unacceptable / anyone who thinks it is acceptable to produce darkfic".


    9 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    "Anti-shippers" is also silly, but that's for the separate reason that, according to one harassment account I've been directed to on this topic, some of these people are shippers themselves -- basically participating in a ship war.

    No, that's absolutely correct. They're anti-[x ship], not anti-[shipping as a whole]. It's been pointed out several times that this is a development of ship wars being couched in social justice terms to prove who is the most progressive via fannish interaction. 


    13 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    I don't know of much, but I recently started another PF discussion on this topic ("How does your aro spectrum identity, romance aversion, or romantic ambivalence impact how you engage with fandom?") that's gotten over a dozen comments now. You might also be interested in tumblr user beranyth's old posts on Growing Up Aromantic: The Half-Read Book and also this reblog-chain on dehumanization.

    I appreciate the links. I'll probably be keeping an eye on that pillowfort post; I'm finding the responses pretty interesting. Thanks for taking the time to do this. :g:

  2. 3 minutes ago, Coyote said:


    [...] you call them 'antis' here but don't say anti-what and seem to define them more in terms of what they're in support of]" -- then that could mean both "aro blogs that explicitly take your side on the matter" and "aro blogs that don't address it," but "blogs that talk about aromanticism in fandom" is already much, much narrower than that, without even getting into any other ideological stances. Granted, I'm not well-versed in aro blogs, but I don't know that I could think of an aro-specific blog that posts much about fandom (at the meta level) to begin with.

    'Anti' is usually a self-applied term short for, variously, "anti-shipper," "anti-kink," "anti-darkfic," or other similar topics. If you're not familiar with the anti movement, tumblr user freedom-of-fanfic has some informational posts that are generally useful (regardless of how much or little relevance the other views expressed on the blog have). Some relevant quotes: 


    nice definition: fandom members who self-identify as being opposed to fandom interest in, discussion of, or depiction of romantic or sexual interaction between two or more characters on moral grounds and believe in stopping content creation by any means necessary.  

    in simpler terms: they don’t want the ship they oppose to have any fan content whatsoever because they believe it is harmful to the moral fiber of fandom spaces, and they’re willing to go to great lengths to stop creators from creating for it.

    this blog’s take: fandom members who subconsciously use a person’s ships as an excuse to ostracize and bully them out of a need to assert control over a part of their environment.



    antis: anti-kink, anti-dark content, and anti-shipping in aggregate. anti-shipping frequently features anti-kink and anti-dark content arguments (all ships they oppose are ‘incest’, ‘pedophilia’, or ‘abusive’, by dint of twisting the meaning of these words to apply to whatever ship they want.)


    13 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    hmm. Is it a requirement for the blog in question to have RSS?

    I'd strongly prefer it. My main platform is Dreamwidth and the RSS feed is the primary way to subscribe to non-Dreamwidth pages (apart from crossposts on Livejournal).


    14 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    if you're interested in spurring more discussion on the topic

    I'm less interested in starting or moderating discussion and more interested in having a place to access current and older discussions of aro(spec) experience in fandom (and contribute if possible, in comments as on DW or reblogs as on Tumblr) without having to follow a feed that often expresses approval or support for the anti movement. However, if this is a topic you're interested in pursuing, I would be interested in following that sort of thread. The first bullet point you give is mostly what I'm interested in; the others tend to have been rehashed a few times and, while it's great to see new opinions and ideas, I don't want that to be the only point of engagement.

  3. Almost every single aro-focussed blog on Tumblr that I have found is either explicitly or implicitly supporting the 'anti' movement in fandom. I've felt chased out of every aro space because of this; I've received death threats and suicide baiting from self-identified antis and do not feel comfortable in spaces that don't condemn this behavior. I'm looking for some blogs that do not do this.


    (For those who may not be familiar with the anti movement, it is a group of mostly young people who claim to be protecting children and trauma survivors from things they (the antis) find repulsive. This often escalates into demanding people disclose their trauma to be "allowed" to write certain kinds of fanfiction, death threats and rape threats sent anonymously, and outright censorship ("[x type of content] is gross and disgusting and should be banned"), as well as harassing people out of fannish spaces altogether. I also want to make it clear that these people often ignore well-tagged warnings to engage with fanwork they find objectionable solely to harass the content creator(s).)

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  4. 20 hours ago, November said:


    Please tell us! I'm really curious and I have some thoughts too, but I guess I'll have to reread the books again because I'm not sure ...

    Anyway, I really want Susan to be aro and have a squish on Buddy (when I read Soul Music, I was really annoyed that she seemed to have a crush on him, but I didn't know that squishes exist - so maybe it fits?!)



    I definitely agree that Susan comes across as aro! I'm also quite attached to aro(spec) Carrot and Angua in a QPP. Demiro/demisexual Vimes is also close to my heart, and so is aro Granny.


    bookhobbit on tumblr has some meta about aro(spec) Rincewind that I like a lot, ey write a lot about him in general.


    hm. there are a few folks who like aro Vetinari, and others who like Vetinari/Vimes as a ship -- I'm not particularly fond of either, but I'd much sooner have the former than the latter.


    I think I had some more things written down somewhere? I'll come back and edit this if I find them.

  5. @NullVector I do want to make it clear that I don't hate (or even dislike) most Jedi on an individual level. What I take issue with is the unwillingness to change, the hypocrisy, and the cultural / structural norms that were harmful to both adult Jedi and young children.


    I've probably spent way too much time over the past few years thinking about this so if you weren't expecting an essay I apologize. I'm aware that this is probably unreasonable to be so invested, but the clone wars special interest has been strong for a while now.


    (Cut for length.)



    There's a gross mishandling of political, social, and interpersonal issues throughout the prequels. The hypocrisy of the Jedi in regard to the sanctity and value of life is clearly illustrated, most strongly during Episode III and the Clone Wars cartoon.


    S3 Clone Wars, Citadel arc: a significant number of clones are assigned to the mission, and three (Rex, Fives, Cody) survive. The Jedi repeatedly say that there's no time to stop, or to mourn or grieve, but they do stop and take the time to give Even Piell a funeral. It would not have been unreasonable for the Jedi to at least attempt to save the lives of their troopers, especially considering later on in the series, Echo reappears, having survived the Citadel and been left for dead.


    Episode I, when Qui-gon Jinn makes his apologies for the Jedi Order's failure to address slavery in the Outer Rim, and by taking one (1) child out of slavery, the narrative expects the audience to praise the Jedi.


    Episode II. Kenobi visits Kamino, and is (understandably) upset / conflicted about a slave army being created on behalf of the Jedi. He calls Yoda (an authority figure / his boss) and Yoda just sort of throws up his hands like "well since we have slaves we might as well use them, I guess!" to which Kenobi replies "alright sounds good" and the ethical implications are never brought up again.


    They take kids from their families, which I believe is explained in-universe as the Jedi saying that it is better for the child to grow up around other force-sensitive individuals. Frankly that seems bullshit to me -- if the family refuses to give up the child the Jedi are legally allowed to forcibly remove the child from their family's custody.


    As the head of the Jedi Order, and the primary dictator of policy, I would hold Yoda responsible for much of what happened. I assume you would agree that it's unreasonable to take a nine-year-old who was born into slavery away from anything familiar (including his mother) and stand him in front of a bunch of adults and then proceed to criticise him for being afraid; moving on from that premise, Skywalker would have a not-unfounded belief that were the Jedi Council to reject him, he would be returned to slavery on Tattooine.


    The overall education &c. for young Jedi is incredibly lacking. They are not taught to regulate emotions or to address them; instead they are told that all emotions are bad and wrong and will make sure you fall to the dark side. It's irresponsible at best to neglect a child's emotional well-being -- and on the scale of the Jedi and their role in the galaxy as peacekeepers, it could (and did) prove fatal.


    I also think it's unwise for the Jedi Order to have completely banned even learning about the Dark Side. Instead of a real threat, and something that needs to be watched for carefully, it is reduced to a 'boogeyman' type myth used to scare children -- "if you're bad and you have Feelings then the dark side will come get you" etc.


    There's some stuff I could probably get into about the whole absorption of the Jedi Order into the Republic economic infrastructure exacerbating preexisting issues, but I'm just going by memory right now.



  6. -dusts off my hands, cracks my knuckles- 


    first off, to address headcanons from others that I saw here. 


    I want to say that aroace John Sheppard is really, really good. I've seen him that way since I started the show, and I think I might have some scattered writings about his orientation somewhere in the depths of my google docs. Chloe Armstrong from SGU is aroflux in my head, and Lisa Park is aromantic, and Young is probably arospec of some kind as well.


    Star Trek -- Kirk/Spock squicks me out so much, probably because I saw myself in Spock before I even knew aromanticism was a thing (hell, before I knew there were options besides "cis & het"). His relationship with Uhura was one of the (many) issues I had with the reboot films, and I will not go into details since they're not relevant to this thread (but ask if you want I suppose?). I also viewed Odo as aroace; his relationship with Kira was probably closer to a QPP in my eyes. Data I didn't necessarily read as aro so much as that he was convinced that he was incapable of romantic feelings and therefore dismissed anything along those lines as impossible. For Seven, I know a lot of people ship her with Janeway, but I think Seven is aro(spec) due to the circumstances of her upbringing and / or her new place on Voyager. Also, aroace Picard!


    Star Wars wise, I could definitely see aro Luke, though my heart is kind of set on gay Luke. I agree that Rey comes off as aro as well. I don't think the Jedi Order is made up of aromantics in general, though; it's always seemed more of a deliberate bottling-up-and-ignoring-emotions type of thing (though I'm aware that I have some personal biases in that department since I really, really hate Yoda and the whole Jedi culture).


    Also I forgot who brought it up, but Babylon 5! I hadn't considered aro Vir before, and I'm glad I came across this thread now so that I can in fact headcanon him that way. I also read Sinclair as aromantic, though that might be wishful thinking or projection.


    I have some Discworld thoughts too but this is getting long so I'll refrain.


    now for media that hasn't been mentioned:


    Rob Hogan from Hogan's Heroes always struck me as quoiro. He's depicted as very much a ladies' man in the show, and he's always always always touching the other Heroes, and I just think he's got a whole mess of confusion about how you can have romance without sex or sex without romance. Hawkeye Pierce from the M*A*S*H tv show also read aro to me in a similar way to Hogan. Agent Maine and Agent Florida and possibly Sarge from Red vs Blue are all aromantic in my head as well. From Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Mr Norrell and John Childermass are also pretty aro(spec) to me.


    ...Sorry this got very much longer than I intended. I have more Thoughts on most of these so please hit me up if you want to talk about them.


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  7. straight --> gay --> gay-aro --> queer


    (straight to gay was when I accepted being trans)


    the circle of LGBT+ folks I knew at the time (freshman year of high school?) didn't really use queer beyond genderqueer, so I wasn't really aware that it was an option to just use queer as the sole identifier. as I've spent more time on r/ftm, a few tumblr blogs, and in various other queer / LBGT+ spaces irl, I've been able to get more comfortable with using queer as my label.


    I suppose the backlash against queer on tumblr had something to do with it, I'm a spiteful person, but queer is just the right word for me. if pressed I will label myself aromantic or transgender, but queer is really the only word I'll accept for my sexuality specifically or my identity in general.


    sorry if this isn't quite coherent, I'm having a Time

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  8. I'm touch repulsed something fierce (partially trauma, partially autism / spd issues) so I don't like hugs in the slightest. They feel weird and wrong. But at the same time, I love kissing my qpp; our relationship is basically "everything but romance" both physically and emotionally. As for cuddles, I like pressure, f'ex someone laying on top of me. Currently my qpp is the only person I'm comfortable with letting touch me on a regular basis, which is kind of inconvenient given that we live a ten hour drive apart...

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