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About Tired-Sparo

  • Birthday October 27

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  • Orientation
    Demiromantic Bisexual
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  • Location
    Hot as hell Florida
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  1. So ive discovered a lot about myself the past few weeks and thats been interesting. i think i finally know what a crush/romantic attraction feels like so thats one thing. i not too long ago realized im greyromantic and also recently got a boyfriend. so i was telling my best friend how i was feeling in relation to him and she goes yeah thats what romantic attraction is dude and i was like that john mulaney meme oh okay i see now. it was also funny cuz my friend was like not to invalidate your feelings but out of curiosity do you think youre aro or you think youve just been repressing your emotions a lot? and i was like lol nah im still greyaro cuz me and my bf were talking about childhood crushes on tv ppl and i was like yeah i had to ask my friend if that was normal when i was a kid cuz i didnt have that lmao. so im interested to see what else i learn about my aromanticism and myself in general

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