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Posts posted by femme_flock

  1. 57 minutes ago, Mark said:

    Another part of the long answer would include "What do you mean by spectrum?". Since not all spectra are one dimensional like the EM spectrum.


    Other examples would be quoiplationic, quoiaesthetic and quoisensual.

    It's in some ways curious that quoi isn't used more often when addressing false dichotomies. 


    I've actually also seen it used in the sense of voluntary vs. involuntary identity arguments in alterhuman communities (quoiluntary) as well as being used in reference to belief vs nonbelief in God/gods (quoitheist -- "my relationship to G?d cannot be defined by the ideas of belief or nonbelief" was the original way it way to me). It's definitely making it's way around other communities and other contexts and it's exciting!

  2. - Im quoiromantic and that's kind of the weird one in the aro spectrum

    - Im not purely 100% aro, for that matter

    - I don't actually believe there's a romantic/aromantic binary spectrum and everyone is along it somewhere and the only reason there seems to be one is because it's been socially constructed. So the differences and ostracization people feel is legit, it's just something that I feel, like gender, can be fixed and bridged by breaking apart the system of amatonormativity entirely. 

    - I'm in relationships I'd call romantic

    - Even my platonic relationships look romantic

    - I've never had problems understanding romance (it's just that I don't understand why certain actions are coded as romantic only)
    - I like romance

    - Basically feel like I don't really belong or am included in the arospec even if people say I do/am so I feel kind of like I invade aro spaces bc Im not 100% aro but maybe thats just internalized crap

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