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Posts posted by flyineeyore

  1. I did every quiz twice.

    1. nonhuman aro/amatopunk aro - I feel both seen and attacked /j

    2. appearance headcannon fodder/never shown - I can vibe with that tbh

    3. pentacles/swords - ditto

    4. arospec x2 - honestly I like this colour combination, I also do like crafts and forests

  2. I am currently questioning being on the aplatonic spectrum and lots of things in my life start to finally make sense. I discovered the term "amical" (which is a subtype of platonic but I think it can be its own thing) just today and it perfectly describes my relationship with my... well I refuse to call him "friend" - he's like a bro to me... Actually I like to think that "amical" may be a platonic/familial mirror of "alterous", but I might be wrong.
    I'm questioning being frayplatonic because of how I got over my plush (queerplatonic crush) after interacting with him for a longer time, and also how I've come to terms that I actually do not know any of my high school friends that much - that they are strangers to me, that I cannot call "best friend" any of them and none of them can call me like that, and that I am genuinely happy that two of them are getting married soon and that they will have their own life.
    I'm questioning being apl-vague because of how my attempts to maintain friendships are just urges to infodump on people, and also how the way of my neurodivergence might be able to influence my abilities to maintain real-life relationships (for example how I imagine interactions with people I don't meet everyday and how they are enough for me).

  3. I study aerospace engineering, but recently I've been feeling drained because of it and pulled towards handcraft (like crocheting and knitting). However, I still want to continue my career in a programming field and treat handcrafting as an escape and a way of regenerating.
    Speaking of queer people in STEM, I'm a member of a queer-people-associating organisation that was created at my university. This organisation is some kind of phenomenon in a country-scale as a queer organisation at a technical university (or university of technology some might say). I haven't met there anybody openly aromantic or aro-spec besides myself - BUT on one meeting was a person wearing friendship-style bracelets that looked like greysexual and greyromantic flags, so here's that.

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  4. Hello! I've been browsing the Arocalypse forum for about a month now, today I decided to introduce myself!

    I go by Eeyore on the Internet, I use any pronouns. I'm in the age gap of 20-25, a student. I am asexual aromantic, (most likely) alloplatonic. My hobbies include many things - the current interest includes handcraft, especially bracelet knitting. I would also like to learn programming. I am currently trying to find my own fashion aesthetic (I really like anything related to forests and/or outer space). I am also a member of the student organisation at my university where I try to educate myself and others about LGBTQIAP+ and neurodivergent communities.

    I may be awkward at the beginning, but I really fancy meeting new people. Happy to be here!

    • Like 1
  5. 30 minutes ago, aroneous said:

    Out of curiousity, would you say that autism (if you're diagnosed as such) would explain why you're aromantic to begin with, or does it instead more tied to the way you express your aromanticism? Or is it both? Are there aspects of autism that you think might make someone more likely to be aromantic?

    I think it has the biggest influence on my expression in relationships in general. I always felt that I, like, stood aside when it came to social interactions, including friendships. Some neurodivergent folks have experiences of standing against or beyond(?) social expectations. I wouldn't consider it any rebellion or sth. Neurodiversity and neurodivergence are about identity, and it was just a relief that there is an answer for my struggles, that I do not need to meet social expectations I might possibly not be able to fulfill.
    Honestly, your response made me think about this topic, thank you for that 😅
    If there are any specific aspects of autism that might make someone more likely to be aromantic - I am not really sure if any of the aspects (for example diagnostic criteria) can be linked to potential aromanticism. Every autistic person experiences and reflects these aspects differently, these aspects influence different areas of life. I read something on this forum that buoyed me up - that the most important thing with the label is that the label should make sense to me and my experiences. I hope it is valid.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. Hey! First I wanna say that I had similar experiences with romance and relationships - you are not alone! When I was a teenager I really wanted to have a romantic relationship because of my ambitions - I thought romance was the utlimate achievement (very amatonormative of me ik) and I used to be a very ambitious kid. So my process of "crushing" was that I chose a guy that was decent enough and that I had several interactions with, and made him my crush for the sake of having a crush - then I obsessed over having a relationship with him. Now I wonder if those "crushes" weren't of a different nature (ex. platonic or alterous), because honestly I never had (still don't) any idea of what romance and exclusive relationships meant. But that's another topic I'm gonna mention below.

    With reference to labels - I used to seek the right label describing my experiences with romance - but finally I gave up and stuck with just "aromantic". However, I have other labels in mind that may describe my experience - nebularomantic or autiaromantic. I am currently in the process of diagnosing for autism. If this diagnosis is right, my experiences with making "crushes" would be somewhat explained by connections with an obsessive urge to fit in and masking. But that is just my interpretation of autiaro that potentially suits my experiences.

    I also have big sympathy for romance - I enjoy romantic content (not all, mainly songs), I love to see my friends finding fulfillment in romantic relationships. But I am just a happy observer. I am positive others would agree that liking romantic content does not make a person more or less aromantic.

    • Thanks 1
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