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Posts posted by eddie

  1. You're truly aromantic when your friend asks you: "What would you do if your friend likes your ex?" 

    And then you just say: "lmao why would they like someone?" 

    Que everyone looking at you like you're weird XD

    • Like 2
  2. I feel exactly like this too :)

    I think it'd just be called a femboy....? If you identify as a trans guy/enby, it doesn't change your gender to like wearing feminine clothing (Unless it's more than just wearing clothing to you?). If a cis guy wears a dress, they're still a guy. They're just wearing a dress. If you like wearing feminine clothing, that's fine. Just be yourself. You liking that clothing doesn't make you a girl and it's okay to not like being called one. Idk if there's a separate term, but I'm pretty sure you'd still just be a femboy?

    I love wearing pink and crop tops and even dresses occasionally, but I am NOT a girl. One of the reasons it took so long for me to find out I was a trans guy was because I didn't know boys could wear that stuff if that makes sense? But I am trans. I am a boy. I am not a girl. So I guess "femboy" would be the right term <3

    Let me know if this was helpful :D

  3. On 8/20/2023 at 7:04 AM, Green Bean said:

    I'd be down to get married to a friend for all the legal benefits and get my family to stop asking questions. The sound of doing laundry and taxes with my best friend doesn't seem too awful.

    Tho I'll most likely still keep the relationship open so my partner can look elsewhere if they want romance or sex.

    Same!! I'd love a QPR with a guy that's my bestie as long as it isn't romantic. Then for legal benefits, we could get married and be two best friends who live together. I wouldn't care if they wanted to date someone else, I just want to have a roommate who I'm best friends with. Plus a small wedding is the best excuse to eat cake :D

  4. On 11/9/2023 at 11:11 PM, mordo said:

    im fine being masculine, i know how to do it and its comfortable although i wish i could be more feminine. i don’t really relate to being a girl at all though and i don’t really think of myself as a guy, i don’t really care if people see me as a girl or a guy though. i don’t really feel like either gender but i’m fine being either one at the same time??? idk it’s a little silly idk what this is lol

    OMG I feel exactly the same. I just say non binary or agender because I feel like male, female, something else, both, and mostly none all at the same time. I don't even feel like I have gender until I think about it a lot. I hope you find a label that fits you, but if not, then that's fine, too. :)

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  5. Hey, can anyone share their thoughts on this?



    Three weeks before school one year ended, I was in class with my friend. Let's call him B. I didn’t know him that well, but he seemed nice and kinda funny. During class, we got to choose our final seating chart. Although I was going to choose a seat with my other friend, let's call him L, he wasn't there that day, so B and I chose seats next to each other and we were talking and laughing. But… B ruined it. He kept saying how he stole me from L. B didn’t just say it once as a joke; he kept saying it throughout the conversation. It made me really uncomfortable because it made me feel like he thought I was property or something.
        But then we were fine again, having normal interactions… until B kept talking about how he’s almost never had a girlfriend, except for in 6th grade when he was dating one of my friends, A. I was confused and a little suspicious because why was he telling me this?
        Then, later, B asked me if I had a phone, and when I said no, he kept asking me over and over again even though I clearly didn't want to tell him. I think that was his awkward way of asking me for his phone number, but I didn’t want to assume anything, so I said nothing.
        Later, he slipped me a note. It read, I have a crush on u. I panicked. My heart started beating faster and was the room getting hotter? I was sweating. Why was I so nervous? Did I like B? What was the correct response to ‘I have a crush on you’? It’s not even a question! If I’m this anxious, does that mean I have a crush on him? Don’t people normally get nervous when they have crushes??? How does he like me if he doesn’t even know me that well????? I’ll just say I don’t know him that well, but would like to get to know him better. Yeah, that seems right.
        I gave him a note that said that and then he started oversharing to the point where it made me a little uncomfortable. The next day, he was like, ‘Do you know me enough now?’ and I was just like ‘Sure.’ Then B was like ‘Wanna be my girlfriend?’ and I was like, ‘Sure.’
        2 weeks into our relationship, I started questioning ‘us’. Weren’t couples supposed to hold hands and kiss? Weren’t couples supposed to be able to communicate and sustain conversations with each other for more than like 2 minutes? I didn’t want any of these things with B and I missed having time with my friends. That’s when I started questioning myself.
        I had always known in some way that I was asexual. And I had always thought that I was either heteroromantic or biromantic, even if I didn’t know those terms. But never, not in a million years, would I have thought that I was aromantic. Never. Not until I had gotten in that relationship with B. But my friends were excited for me, and I couldn’t and still can’t express any of my feelings to anyone out loud without crying.
         That last week of that school year was stressful because of the hours online that I spent researching about aromanticism. I finally realized I had never had romantic crushes on people. I guess I never thought about dating that much because I never felt the need to kiss or date. Everything I had felt towards any person I thought I had a crush on was all just platonic. I just really wanted to be friends with them. Maybe it would be cool to have a friend I could cuddle/hold hands with and have long conversations with, but that's about all.
        I broke up with B the day before the last day of school. Here’s a summary of what I wrote to him: 'Hey, B. I just figured out that I’m aroace. I’m kinda confused, but confident that this is the right label for me. I’m sorry I was a terrible girlfriend and I hope you find someone better for you. I hope we can stay friends and I hope that we’ll have classes together next year. Sorry and I hope you have a good summer. Have a nice day!'
        I tried to make my note as clear as possible and I gave it to him. The next day, B asked if we were still friends, but I was tired of dealing with my emotions, so I just nodded. He said okay and gave me a gummy.
        I didn’t see him the rest of the day or at all during the summer. When I finally started the next year, I kept seeing him while I was walking to class, so I said hi since we were still friends, right? Wrong. He just kept ignoring me. I didn’t and still don’t know what I did wrong. Why was he ignoring me? He knows I don’t have a phone, so it can’t be that he’s mad I didn’t talk to him over the summer? 
    This was stressing me out, so I emailed him, asking what was wrong:

    Hey, B. I thought we agreed to stay friends, but every time I wave at you or say hi, you don't respond. This makes me upset, but if you don't want to be friends, please just tell me. You can also tell me if I'm just making a big deal out of nothing and I won't be offended. But I wanted to know for sure if you're angry at me or something or not. Sorry if I'm misinterpreting this, but I'm an overthinker. I get stressed out about things I don't know are happening. Please respond soon. Thanks~ Have a good day :)

    Me a few weeks later:

    Do you never check your email lol

    Me a month later:

    Why don't you responddddddddd?

    B (finally after a month):

    Stop emailing me and no we aren’t still friends and we never agreed to stay friends in the first place so after this never email me again and don’t come up to me at school ever again! Have I made myself clear? And I mean it… I am never talking to you ever EVER again 🫵🙅‍♂️

        Did I do something wrong???? Idk? I thought we agreed to stay friends, but he doesn’t think so. That or he was lying. I don’t know what happened, but I am proud to say that I didn’t do anything petty for once in my life.



    Sorry for the essay/rant

    Let me know what happened/what went wrong?


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