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emily conderson

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Posts posted by emily conderson

  1. Am I really aromantic? I can't see myself in any sort of romantic relationship, this is probably the main reason I think I might be aro. But at the same time, I can't just... I can't admit it. It just feels like if I admit it I will be lonely for the rest of my life, even though I know I wouldn't be happy in a relationship. Also, I often have "crushes"(like when I see a very beautiful person or just a very cool person in my opinion) and I sometimes really want to hug people and hold their hands and kiss but not in a romantic way, but at the moment I feel something like this I think "Well, maybe I'm not aromantic after all, maybe I can be happy just like other people". How can I admit that I'm aromantic and be happy or get to know that I'm not and have just an attachment issue(one more point why i can't say I'm aro)...

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