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Posts posted by burtonalex

  1. There's something soothing about unraveling those card pyramids, piece by piece. So, when I stumbled upon the idea of adding aromantic-themed cards to the mix, it piqued my interest. It's fascinating how a simple twist can breathe new life into a classic game.

    But, as an aromantic individual myself, seeing cards like the Ace of Spades represent an aromantic ace adds a personal touch to the gameplay.

  2. Mental health issues can make everyday tasks feel overwhelming. People might struggle with self-care, hygiene, or keeping up with housework. So, offering assistance with these practical tasks can be incredibly helpful.
    Besides, listening without judgment and being there as a friend or companion can mean a lot. Also, connecting them with professional resources like therapy or support groups can make a significant difference. You can find more information at nationalrehabhotline.org, as any kind of hotline can be useful for people struggling and can even save their lives.

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  3. It's commendable that you want to support those struggling with mental illness in your community. From my experience with Nosophobia, I can say that maintaining hygiene and self-care can be challenging during difficult periods. You can find more information about mental health challenges like Nosophobia here https://www.mentalhealth.com/disorder/specific-phobia/nosophobia/. Offering assistance with tasks like housework or running errands could be incredibly beneficial for individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, or BPD. Additionally, providing emotional support by simply being there to listen without judgment can make a significant difference. Your willingness to help is already a valuable contribution to those in need.

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  4. Food is one of life's great joys, isn't it? There are so many delicious options to choose from. Some of my absolute favorites include a perfectly cooked medium-rare steak with garlic mashed potatoes and sautéed spinach, and for dessert, a classic tiramisu with layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and creamy mascarpone. Speaking of culinary adventures, have you ever ventured into using mushroom powder in your cooking? It's a fantastic ingredient that brings a unique and earthy flavor to dishes. Food is a wonderful topic that brings people together, and it's always fun to discover new flavors and dishes!

  5.  The way his twisted sense of love leads to some seriously messed-up actions is both fascinating and creepy. It's a unique take on how romantic notions can take a dark turn. The show's a wild mix of emotions – one moment you're intrigued, the next you're horrified. But that's what makes it so compelling, right? I get paid to watch Netflix, but this one is more for pleasure. I love this show.

  6. It can be tough to find specific types of content on TikTok, especially if it's not as widely popular. However, it's great that you're looking for aro TikTokers because representation is important. I don't have any specific recommendations for aro TikTokers, but one way you can discover new accounts is to search for hashtags related to asexuality or aromanticism and explore the content that pops up. Also, you can try to check out some aro communities on social media, they might have some recommendations or even a list of aro TikTokers. And if you want to boost your account and gain more visibility check out this link https://iamat.com/buy-tiktok-likes/. This might allow you to create your own cool aro account.

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