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Posts posted by halfcrescent

  1. Hey,

    I came across this while deep diving trying to figure out why I felt so disgusted every time I thought I liked someone and they liked me back. I was reading your question and it's exactly me. The part about not understanding how someone could be so infatuated with you is so relatable. When I was dating my ex-girlfriend, I thought I liked her until it started making me feel sick. I even had the same nightmare - my ex-gf kept trying to touch or hug me, and it terrified me so much I didn't go to school that day in order to avoid her. It only went on for 2 months, but the same thing has happened for past relationships and crushes. I brushed this off as not liking the person I was dating. But I've dated some girls and a guy, and I realize it's been the same thing for them too. Every time I think I like someone, or they like me back, I feel so disgusted and so weird that I shut down. I still like watching shows with romance being the core of it and stuff but I feel like I could never recreate it with my own life, like it could never be me. Is this just being afraid of intimacy? Or does this mean I'm aromantic? I'm not sure because I still find people attractive, but haven't had a serious crush-crush since I was in second grade. Sometimes I get these obsessions with a person where I want to be really close to them, but never that I want to kiss them or be labeled as dating. I can never be sure if my feelings are platonic or not.

    I guess what I'm trying to ask is if you have figured it out yet, and if you have, do you identify as aromantic? I have a close friend who is aromantic, but it's different for her because she's flat out never liked anyone before. I'm not really expecting an answer on this but I hope you've figured it out :)

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