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Posts posted by TruthSeeker

  1. 1 hour ago, Mark said:

    The notion of "brain gender" looks to have been quite effectively debunked

    Exactly, the post appears to have very little to do with romance. Which kind of ironic since the phrase "What women really want" has been used to sell the notion that (heterosexual) women should be hyper-romantic.

    The point about brain gender being debunked is exactly in line with the studies I posted links to. It is not possible to distinguish male from female brains when showing erotic material, meaning that men's and women's brains are aroused by the same stimuli. What is interesting is the study that looks at if the female brain is more aroused by heterosexual stimuli compared to homosexual stimuli, where it is found that the female brain is often more aroused by homosexual stimuli compared to heterosexual stimuli, depending on which area of the brain relating to sexual arousal is researched. People tend to use the word 'debunked' way too easily.

    The fact that women are homosexuals, I would say, should more be used to "sell the notion" that women are hypersexualized towards women.  That women seek women for 3somes, that women watch more and more porn and prefer lesbian porn according to phub, that 10% of customers on onlyfans now are women, that 60% of women reveal they desire their own gender, 45% of women have kissed their own gender, that according to different research/studies 25-60% of women have had sexual interactions with their own gender, that more and more women pay for sexual pleasure from women through yoni-massages, that lesbians reveal that straight women are constantly hitting on them, and so on. 
    What women need to desire men, is romance. It is the feeling of being loved and wanted, protected and cared for, that enables homosexual women to finally let their guard down and be overcome with emotions that ignites some level of desire, enough for them to go through with heterosexual intimacy. With women things are more natural and instant. I find it quite peculiar that men are the ones defending female heterosexuality here....

    Allow me to bring in a new element, Skirt-clubs. Clubs that are in 25 cities all over the world, where 'straight' women go to have sex with other women. When women meet women, they just go for it, no asking 1001 questons about income and personality then, they just go for it, like men would with women, if they could.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Fanz_0__Fire said:

    This will be the last time I am responding to you because you are unwilling to learn. There is a lot more to sexuality than attraction. So many factors go in to what attractions people act on and how they choose to identify. Since you refuse to read my first comment, here it is:

    It is clear that you are just some incel that lost his way trying to get to a woman hating forum. Try to back your ridiculous claim with whatever you want, the science is not on your side. You have a great deal of confirmation bias and have clearly gone out looking for things you wanted to hear rather than researching the legitimate science behind sexuality. Please just take a writing course and do a little research on what parts of brain and hormonal functions control sexual arousal. Jesus christ

    Well, if studies of how the brain reacts and how genitals react to sexual stimuli is not evidence enough, then perhaps you should start asking bisexual women or lesbians, and see if they can confirm my findings. Just to ignore something based on your own thoughts and feelings is an immature approach to any subject.
    I noticed you define yourself as a 'trans male' does that mean you could pass as a woman? If so, you could check for yourself how easy it is to seduce women for a woman, if not, you would notice how men have to struggle to get anywhere with them.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Fanz_0__Fire said:


    Also, I am not saying straight men are bisexual. I am saying that all humans are inherently bisexual by nature. It is something observed in nature often and seems to be more than applicable to humans as well.



    The second one might be a bit confusing, but it basically argues that there is a part of every person that is bisexual but due to several factors many people never act on it. And as for being a straight guy and not wanting to touch other straight guys, that seems to be mostly a you thing. There are a hellva lot of guys that do a lot more than touching and are still straight (at least 60 percent according to the first study). What is your point though? As a straight guy, what do you care if some straight women sleep with other women? Why do you care?

    The type of study I posted posted and was talking about, had to do with straight men's and straight women's sexual response to their own gender. The studies I posted, show that straight women have strong sexual response to their own gender, and similar studies (I did not save the links) show that straight men does not have a sexual response to seeing other men, even in a sexual context. Your ncbi-link shows that 60% of men have a homsexual experience in their life-time, I have no problem with accepting that. But there is a big difference here between the genders; men go chasing women, men pay for women's company, men put a lot of time, money and effort into getting a relationship, sex or marriage, and men fantasize about women, go to strip clubs where women take off their clothes, and spend lots of money just for a little interaction with a stripper. Men spend thousands of dollars on camshows, onlyfans and getting women from Thailand to marry since they struggle to find a native woman they are good enough for. My point being that a homosexual experience for an adolescent, does not define his sexuality later on in life. When asked about fantasies, women often mention 3somes, sex with another woman as their fantasies. A woman is more likely to go to bed with a bisexual woman or a lesbian hitting on her, than a straight guy, but a bisexual or gay guy hitting on a straight guy, is likely to get a punch in the face or at least an emphatic 'no'.

    Why I care? Well, first of all, I'm jealous of how easy it is for women to get women to bed, they don't have to make any effort, lesbians and bisexual women can attest to this, I've asked 5-6 bisexual women about this myself, and they all said it is the easiest thing in the world for them to get straight women to bed. Also, it means I have to spend a lot of money to get what I want, if I was a woman, I could get women to bed without spending so much money.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Fanz_0__Fire said:

    You obviously did not read my first post. If you did, you would see my argument for why if this were true it would also apply to men. You obviously also did not understand what I was saying about a sexual relationship. I was pointing out that a woman can still be straight and find women sexually attractive. There is a difference between getting your rocks off and wanting a relationship.

    The key issue to this argument is your hyper focus on biology. Again, I would suggest you read the first post I had on this topic. All humans male and female are biologically bisexual. This does not mean that all humans want to be in relationships with both men and women or identify as bisexual. There is so much more that goes into sexual orientation that just what makes someone aroused.

    Please indulge me and post research/evidence that straight men are bisexual, since I have posted evidence that straight women are bisexual.
    I've never said all humans want to be in relationships with both genders. Straight women want to be in relationships with men, straight men want to be in relationships with women. But when it comes to sexual encounters, 89% of women fantasize about 3somes, and it is mostly with another woman judging from ads from couples, and prostitutes mentioning they often/sometimes get couples as clients.
    I must admit on a personal note, being a straight guy, and knowing many straight guys, that we don't even like to touch each other, whereas women seem to want to touch each other all the time, so I find your hypothesis a bit implausible.

  5. 2 hours ago, Fanz_0__Fire said:

    But they aren't though. Who are you to say how straight women act? There is a difference between finding something attractive and legitimately wanting to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone of the same sex.

    Also, you are still using articles instead of studies (see my last post) and that stupid first person blog is still part of your 'resources' (again, see above). Also, you have still failed to explain why this only applies to women (see above). Your claims are misguided at best and downright purposefully false at the worst. 

    Here are direct links to scientific studies that show female homosexuality. The second one looks at parts of the brain associated with sexual arousal, and in some of them women respond more heterosexually, in some equal, and in others more homosexually, i.e. orientation inconsistent vs orientation consistent.
    How it applies to women? When the New York Times article writes about a study that shows women are more sexually aroused when looking at women compared to looking at men, that at least indicates that women are more homosexual than heterosexual. For men this fact is very difficult to accept, that all their struggle to get women, saying the right thing, hiding their true intentions, paying for meal, making promises they may or may not keep, all to be able to have some fun once in a while, if they get lucky, is something a more or less attractive woman can accomplish without even trying. Like the example with Norah Vincent that went on dates with 30 women and they only became interested in her when she revealed she was a women, not a man. My claims are based on facts, on actual research that you can read in the links i provide once again in this post. One can see clearly than many parts of women's brain react stronger to sexual stimuli that is against their sexual orientation, sexual stimuli that show they are homosexual. Women are often quite open about how much they enjoy women, writing on forums and blogs that the best sex they ever had was with a woman, that women are the best kissers, that they prefer lesbian porn, which is number one watched category for women, but number 6 most watched for men. Then there are comments from lesbian that it is easier to get a straight woman to bed than another lesbian.

    In the New York Times article I linked to, they interveiew Meredith Chivers, a psychology professor at Queens University.
    Here is an excerpt from the interview with the professor:
    "They responded objectively much more to the exercising woman than to the strolling man, and their blood flow rose quickly — and markedly, though to a lesser degree than during all the human scenes except the footage of the ambling, strapping man — as they watched the apes. And with the women, especially the straight women, mind and genitals seemed scarcely to belong to the same person. The readings from the plethysmograph and the keypad weren’t in much accord. During shots of lesbian coupling, heterosexual women reported less excitement than their vaginas indicated; watching gay men, they reported a great deal less; and viewing heterosexual intercourse, they reported much more."
    So women down-play their sexual excitement when they watch homosexual content, and exaggerate their excitement when they watch heterosexual content.
    So one can draw a conclusion that women prefer to give the impresson to be more heterosexual than they really are, and less homosexual than they really are. This of course makes sense since women benefit from men chasing them, it gives them a large variety of potential partners to choose from. If men knew women were less likely to reject them if they were a woman, who knows how the dynamics between the genders would be.

    When you ask: "Why it only applies to women?" The reason for that is that straight men are actually straight, when they are shown men having sex with men, they do not get aroused, but when women are shown women having sex with women, they get very aroused.

    And about wanting to be in a sexual relationship with someone, that is something lesbian women want, not straight women. Straight women only want to have sex with other women, they don't want to be in a sexual relationship with them. If you know any lesbians, you could ask them about this, since I have read comments from lesbians that straight women are only after sex and nothing else, which makes lesbian women apprehensive of straight women taking advantage of them.

    I would also like to mention, that in the human psyche, it seems to be more acceptable for women to be homosexually polygamous than heterosexually polygamous. Women sleeping around with men are looked down upon, even shamed, but women sleeping around with women are almost admired, looked up to, some kind of mystique surrounding them.

    My purpose is to reveal to men and women that women's sexuality is not what people imagine it is.



  6. On 9/8/2022 at 11:05 AM, DeltaAro said:

    Straight women are straight. This is a logical truth, right?

    Your point is based on a feature of self-concepts (like sexual orientation): that "errors" or "lies" are nearly impossible to define. So the idea "most women who claim to be straight are in fact not" becomes self-contradictory.

    Self-concepts are simply constructed in this way. That's also why they're either regarded as Orwellian or the butt of jokes by more conservative types.

    Of course, the evidence TruthSeeker posted here is very low quality. And to register on an aro forum and instantly post this off-topic stuff: Not good.

    But I wonder if the best way to deal with such topics is this barrage of snark and rather general skepticism?

    The University of Essex paper you can find here. Or I guess that's it. In the news release the link is broken and the study is not fully cited. Maybe I read it, if I find the time... for now I just skimmed it.

    The idea of "erotic plasticity" (resulting in more flexibility to engage in same-gender sexual activities) comes from Roy Baumeister. And also the claim that women have it, while men do not.

    He's one of those academics who make wild claims and then prefer to publish them in popular science books. In the past he also misinterpreted genetic research in a very absurd manner to push his theory about (extreme) polygyny in pre-historic humans.

    I wrote this article as an essay, hoping to bring new ideas and understanding, maybe people would start to think new thoughts. That does not mean there is not evidence for most women being homosexual, there is, and I will post links at the end.
    One side of the coin is well known, that straight women do not behave straight in a way that straight men do. In the informal study previously mentioned, attractive men and women asked members of the opposite sex if they wanted to have sex that same evening. 75% of men said 'yes' 0% of the women said 'yes'. This would in a way mean that the hypothesis that men and women are heterosexual, were disproven when it comes to women, at least in this experiment. So do the researchers see what happens if attractive women ask women if they want to have sex the same evening? No, they don't. To find any kind of evidence of how straight women react when approached by an attractive woman, one has to look at so-called 'prank videos' on youtube, where women ask women for dates, or even go straight up and kiss them. If a man did the last thing, he would perhaps end up in jail. but since women are more homosexual than straight, they say yes to women asking them on dates, and they enjoy tremendously getting kissed by a strange woman.
    I noticed I am repeating myself with some of these arguments, my main reason for bringing these points up, is to show that the topic of female sexuality has not been properly researched, and that is perhaps the main reason why I have not been able to find social studies about the topic of female homosexuality.

    I would also like to give an explanation as to why I present my conclusion in this unapologetic way, as they were facts. I have dug so deep into this matter, and one of the things that corroborated it, was my conversations with women on the internet, mostly aged 20-40. I have discussed this topic to such lenght and gotten so much confirmation that it is very difficult for me not to present this as fact. Most women did not push back at all when I gave them my conclusions, some did, but after further dialogue, it seems we often misunderstood each other, but some women are very straight, and that I accept fully. In one incident I chatted with a woman that told me she had no interest in women, only a man could turn her on, "only a man's hands" as she put it. Well, I forgot about that conversation, until recently, 5 months after our initial conversation. She told me that I was right, she had now realized how attracted she were to women, but did not go into details. Another woman told me she got so curious about women after our conversation, that she first picked up a woman when she was out shopping, and ended up kissing her later that day. After that, since she did not want to pursue any kind of relationship, it was just sexual, she booked an appointment at a local erotic massage parlour, to get a massage from another woman.
    Any woman reading this, or any guy that has a scientific minded and curious girlfriend, could easily test for themselves if most women are homosexual or not.

    Here are some studies/articles about studies that show women are bisexual in the least, and most probably more homosexual than heterosexual:



  7. The main problem here is that there has not been enough research into female desire. When women are asked about what their fantasize about, 60% said having sex with a stranger, even though women don't want one night stands, and 89% said having a threesome. In a book I read about women buying sex, which is very rare, the researchers there mentioned that when women become swingers, their main reason for that is to have sex with other women. The name of the book is "Women Who Buy Sex - Converging Sexualities" by Sarah Kingston et al. Another instance was where researchers looking into why straight women would have 3some with another woman, and they had discovered that the motivation was for women to have "lesbian sex" in a heterosexual setting. The owner of a legal brothel in the US, said in an interview that 15% of their clients were couples. So what I am outlining here is the second sexual revolution for women, where women understand where real pleasure lies: in other women.
    I have tested many things with women, online one can experiment with things that are not possible in real life. The more I saw how crazy most women are about women, the less it was possible for me to see women as complicated, like most men do.
    So where it will take me?

    I mostly stay away from women, don't bother them at all, and the older I get, the easier this is. I tend to be interested in things that become big in the future, and I believe the understanding of female-on-female desire is a thing that will reach the masses and shock many men in the future. I am about to finish my research into this subject, since the evidence has been overwhelming. Publishing it on different forums and debating my findings might be the last step, but I don't know that for sure.

  8. I have spent 100s of hours looking into this, and I notice you and others who comment, often are hetero-biased. There seems to be this strong conviction both in men and women that both genders are heterosexual. When women don't behave heterosexually like in the informal study, then immediately an explanation is given.
    But I have seen videos on youtube that did very similar things, women asking women on dates, and in one of them, all the women said yes.
    But are there any evidence that all the women wanted dick, i.e. felt sexually attracted to the handsome men asking them to meet later?
    The study did not ask the women why they declined, perhaps they were not interested in the attractive men, perhaps they were not afraid, just not heterosexual enough to want sex outside a relationship. That is one of my main conclusions, that straight women are heterosexually monogamous, and homosexually polygamous.
    I don't know if you have noticed, but most of the time when women want 3somes, they want another woman, I often see this in sex-ads, apart from the tv-show I mentioned.
    The reason I ended up in this forum, was because I was searching for forums with sexual topics, so I was unaware of the aromantic aspect to this forum. That being said, it would not have been possible for me, or at least highly unlikely, to come to these conclusions if i was chasing women like most guys do. Let me give a real life example.
    I attended a self-development group some months ago. One of the excercises was 'dance of the lovers' where people should dance together sensually. I observed that most of the women went to dance erotic dance with another woman, and the men were left standing alone the first 5-10 minutes. When I asked a friend of mine if he had noticed, he said he was too busy figuring out which woman to try and dance with, and finding the courage...

  9. 19 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    lol what?

    Dude, wtf is your sources for any of this? I mean, sometimes you're referencing a study that I have at least heard of. Some of these studies I have no idea what they are, if they're real. Sometimes you make hard statements about women's experience with no basis on anything. Ticktocks? This one lady on a reality tv show? Made up anecdotes about men in nightclubs?

    No hypothesis has been proven anything, you're rambling.

    Why did you show up to this particular forum with this thinkpiece? I know I should probably just ignore this, but I can't help but be a little bit curious.

    There are several sources to back up my claims, here are some:
    More Than Half Of Straight Women Are Attracted To Other Women
    Female Sexuality: Straight Women Turned On By Attractive Women Are Either 'Bisexual Or Gay,' Says Study
    What Do Women Want? - Discovering What Ignites Female Desire - The New York Times
    Universal Desire: Men and Women Respond Identically to Erotic Images - Scientific American

    If you know a better place where I can post this research, please let me know.
    And the reason I have to find info on youtube and tiktok, is because there is way too little research done on what women really desire.
    I read a somewhat informal study was done at a college, they got attractive men and attractive women to ask the opposite gender if they wanted to have sex that evening, 75% of men said 'yes', 0% of women said 'yes'. So how can I find a study where attractive women ask straight women if they want sex the same evening? I googled for maybe an hour, could not find, so I end up finding youtube videos, where women approach women, either ask for dates or just kiss them, complete strangers, and women respond extremely positively. So I wanted to find more scientific research, but was left with doing it myself.

  10. Since the 60’s, women have had the freedom in Western countries to be as free sexually as they wanted to. Religious dogmas did not have any effect on liberated women, and contraceptives and abortion made the consequences of sexual freedom almost insignificant. But over the decades women have come to understand that pleasure is not as much associated with the male body as it is with the female body. They have discovered that lesbian porn is what rocks their boat, and one night stands with an attractive bisexual woman, is the pinnacle of their sexual experiences. Thousands upon thousand of straight women declare their undying desire for sexy female lesbians on tiktok, often with the expression: «I’m sorry, mammy*. Married women are considering leaving their husbands, or choosing a female partner if the marriage ends.

    On online forums women are often proudly telling men that women are better kissers, that woman are better in bed. Even that their best sexual experience was that one time they had sex with another woman. Men don’t to seem care much about these things. The male brain is hard-wired to think that women are heterosexual, and if they don’t behave heterosexually, they are just complicated, and it’s not possible to understand women for a man. When guys see two straight girls kiss, and these girls seem to be so into each other, seemingly much more than when they are kissing their boyfriends, guys just shrug their shoulders, and think they are doing it to excite them.
    When guys approach these kissing girls, and get a cold shoulder and an angry look, they don’t think that it invalidates their assumption, but instead gets another beer and tries to hit on some other girls.

    The male tunnel-vision when it comes to women is quite necessary for their ability to keep going and approaching women endlessly to meet that one in twenty or more that will say yes to him. The quite handsome guys that got rejected by 10 women at the local nightclub, did not notice that the quite sexy bisexual woman got the first sexy straight girl she approached, and that the straight girl’s friend, made a pass at a lesbian woman, but got rejected, because lesbian women know that straight girls are only after one thing: sex [oh, the irony].

    The late Norah Vincent was a lesbian woman that in 2006 decided to test if life really was easier for men than for women. She was from nature’s side somewhat male looking, but changed her appearance so much that people did not doubt she was a man. During a period of more than one year, she amongst other things went on dates with 30 women. In an interview, she explains how she barely had any good experiences dating women as a man. But she reveals that she often told the women she was dating that she in fact was a woman. After initially getting angry because of the deceit, many of the women then wanted to have sex with her...


    It seems there are not many studies that really dive into the depths of female sexuality. When scientists wanted to know if women also look at women’s breasts, i.e. objectify women, they found that women look just as much at women’s breasts as men do. But it does not end there. When shows different videos of attractive men and then attractive women, one found that women were much more aroused by the women than by the men. Then one could wonder if this translates into real physical experiences, but that is where the scientific research community fails by not putting this to the test. At a college it was tested if women would say yes to attractive men asking if they wanted sex that evening, and if men would say yes to sex with attractive women. The results showed that 75% of men say yes, and 0% of women said yes. So the hypothesis that both men and women are heterosexual, was with this experiment proven to be false. So did the researchers then create a new hypothesis: «Men are heterosexual and women are homosexual» and use attractive women to ask women if they wanted sex that night? No, they did not. It is almost impossible to find serious research that tries to dispel the myth of female heterosexuality. One has to venture into YouTube prank-videos to get an indication of the real female sexual orientation. There one can see girls asking random girls on campus for dates, and all of them saying «yes», even if they first expressed they were heterosexual. And one can see videos there of girls kissing random girls on the street, and the girls enjoying it tremendously, even right in front of their boyfriends.

    It would be wonderful if real scientists started asking the tough questions, and doing research that would redefine and destroy the old ideas and concepts of female sexual orientation. Ask any bisexual woman if there are are straight girls out there, and she would say with smile that there are almost no heterosexual girls out there. Lesbians will tell you that it is much easier to get a straight girl to bed than another lesbian. Think of all the men that sacrifice time, money, blood sweat and tears just to get lucky once in a blue moon, but most women can just pick up any babe they want, any day of the week.


    Another matter is how much women enjoy being with men sexually. There are endless articles in newspapers and magazines about how men can make women enjoy sex more. This is based on the fact that only 30% of women get orgasm every time they have sex with men, but most men get orgasm every time they have sex with women. On top of that, around 80% of women reveal they have faked orgasm with men one or more times in their life. These facts are like canon shots towards the bow of the vessel called female heterosexuality, when one takes into consideration that 86% of women that have sex with women get orgasm each time. A common argument here is that female on female sex is mostly clitoral stimulation and not regular intercourse. However, data shows that when asked only 50% of women that received oral sex from men reached orgasm last time it was performed. «Women know women better» is then the common explanation or perhaps hetero-biased diversion, to this phenomenon. It is easy to forget that women also have a profound effect on men, the opposite sex, so they seem to also «know men better» if sexual orientation and arousal suddenly is about some kind of special knowledge and skill. To take it even further, would women really want the experienced grandmother to go down on them, or the young inexperienced bi-curious girl with the perfect body and million dollar smile...


    When couples are looking for a threesome, it seems like an overwhelming majority of them are looking for a woman in bed. According to a bisexual woman in the British reality-show «Open House», it is very common for women in threesomes not to allow they boyfriend to have sex with the other girl, while enjoying herself fully. Have women been like men all through the centuries of male oppression? Have their desire for extramarital sex with women been just as strong as men’s desire to have sex with other women?
    Now that women are free to choose, it is looking more and more like women desire women just as much as men, and they are simply not able to get enough of this sensual, luxurious delight.

    Moreover, when that have one-night stands with other women, seem to have no regrets at all. When asked about these things, women often just focus on how amazing it is, how women understand each other, and the passion that is often much more than they’ve experienced with any man.
    Yoni massage by women, for women, is also gaining popularity, and women are finally able to reach orgasm, time and time again from the sensual touch of another woman.
    Women might still prefer men for relationships, but many women will say they feel much closer to other women than to men. So perhaps men are becoming obsolete in the eyes of women, perhaps not.

    Time will tell.

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