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Posts posted by athari

  1. first post guys lets go

    how does one write an introduction 

    so uh. hey. my name is ari! your probably like 'omg no way' because that 100% isnt my display name. 

    i recently found out about this site through a friend and i was very happy to see a site made for aro's! we need more rep! im still trying to fully figure out my identity, but i currently identify as a grey/demi-romantic lesbian and go by any pronouns (please please try to not just use she/her though) up until about 2 years ago i never even heard of the term "aromantic", however finding out about the label really helped in coming closer to identifying who i am.

    I am indian, a minor and a violinist, violist and (electric) guitarist. i am also an artist (to some extent) though i wouldnt consider myself very good, i mostly draw for fun. i love sushi and cake but only the frosting (unless and only if it is sponge cake will i eat the actual cake) i also really like crunchy stuff.

    Fandoms im in: Bojack Horseman, Heartstopper, Genshin(ex), Bandori, PJSK, Enstars, BSD, NGE, TOH, Gravity Falls, Ghibli, etc.

    My fave artists (not in order) are Mitski, Nirvana, the Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Mac DeMarco, Hole, The Smiths, Tyler the Creator and Girl in Red

    I am in desperate need of more friends so if you want to, feel free to message me any time!

    anyways, thats all i got for now. i hope you have a great day/night <3


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