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Posts posted by CometTheOdd

  1. 38 minutes ago, impala67 said:

    Oh nice! Knowing the context a bit more, I guess making a move towards a QPR would initially be awkward but would make a funny story in the future. 🤗

    Lol it would be a funny story

  2. 14 minutes ago, impala67 said:I think bringing up QPR with your friend is a good start. Definitely talk about what you would want out of a QPR and invite them to for input as to what they want out of one too. If what you both want out of a QPR vibes, then great. Go for it! It can always change or evolve if that is what you both want. It can also end if it's not something that works for you two. 

    I know that they know about QPRs and everything because they are the person I’ve learned the term from. When I thought that I was straight, I also kinda said “yo I think I like you” which makes any moves to a qpr or anything kinda awkward (we are good now and we like to spend time together)… I dont think a QPR would change how we act, but I think it would be cool to have one.

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  3. For the past two weeks after reading Loveless, I have been trying to figure out if I am aromantic or not. I know I’m ace, but I might be aromantic too.

    The main issue is that I don’t know I am or not. I’ve never had a real desire to kiss anyone or really do anything romantic I think. I don’t think I’ve actually had feelings for anyone I’ve thought I’ve liked. One person is making me question this though. I’m really good friends with someone and I love spending time with this person. I don’t think I want to date them, but I want to be closer to them. I think I want a QPR? I don’t know anymore and I thought I would ask y’all to see if you have any advice or anything. Sorry if this is a mess. This has been driving me crazy for a little bit

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