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E Wildflower

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Posts posted by E Wildflower

  1. I would rather have everyone else be immortal.


    Would you rather be famous when you’re alive and be forgotten when you’re dead, or unknown when you’re alive and famous after you’re dead?

    • Like 1
  2. Granted, but your cooking will only ever come out right if you make twice as much as you need, and any leftovers spoil before you can eat them. Therefore, half of it always goes to waste.


    I wish I had the money I need to have my name and gender marker changed on my legal documents.

    • Like 1
  3. Granted, but climates are thrown off all over the world making your country the only habitable place. Everyone else in the world tries to move there, making your country disastrously overcrowded.


    I wish for a plate of pancakes.

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  4. I don't think it's that common for people's sexual or romantic orientations to change drastically (at least it's not often talked about), but it does happen on occasion. However, if at this point, a particular label seems to fit you and makes you feel more comfortable with yourself, feel free to use it, and if later you realize that there's another term that fits you better, you can change it. If you do later change your label, it doesn't necessarily mean that you were wrong before, just that your feelings may have changed or that you've learned more about yourself and your perspective has changed as a result, and that doesn't invalidate your feelings now.


    Personally, I've tried on numerous labels in the past 6 years as I've tried to figure myself out, and it's quite possible that in the future I'll find another word (or multiple other words) that fit me better than greyromantic, genderfluid, and/or asexual, but for now, having all three of those words helps me to describe my own experiences as I currently understand them and gives me a sense of community. For those reasons, I find them useful, even though I know there's a chance that I'll feel the need to change labels again in the future.


    Also, if getting married and having a family is what you want, you might consider the notion that you can have a committed relationship with someone without being romantically involved in the traditional sense (such as a queerplatonic relationship), and you can raise children if you so choose, whether or not you are at all romantically inclined. I understand it might not be exactly what you've envisioned for yourself, but you might find it worth thinking about.


    I hope some part of that convoluted response might be helpful to you. :)

    • Like 2
  5. I think my best coming out story was from when I used to identify as a lesbian. My cousin was visiting for the summer. He was 13 and I didn't know that he knew anything about sexualities or what he thought about that sort of thing. I was in a place of feeling confident in identifying as gay in my own mind, but was terrified of telling anyone. Towards the end of the summer, we were talking while bouncing on a trampoline, and the topic of sexualities came up. He asked me point-blank:

    Cousin: What are you?

    Me: Um... uh... I'm a lesbian.

    Cousin: Really? Cool! I'm bisexual.

    And that's how my cousin and I first came out to each other.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm easily startled, so I would generally rather people not touch me without asking.

    As long as I'm expecting it I'm all for hugs and cuddles. Cheek or forehead kisses are nice too.

    I've never actually kissed anyone on the lips so I can't speak to what my reaction to that would be, but generally think of it as a romantic gesture, so I have a hard time imagining myself being comfortable with that unless it's with someone that I'm romantically interested in.

  7. I don't think it's possible to devise a multiple-choice test that will tell you with certainty what your gender is. It's something have to figure out for yourself. Tests like this can be entertaining, though, and I've found it interesting to compare results that I've gotten from the same test at different times. But there are some weird questions that I don't know why they were included or how to answer them, such as:


    29. Your vehicle (or the vehicle you would most likely own) would best be described as:

    (sports car, pickup truck, four door sedan, Sport Utility Vehicle, or Minivan)

    People own lots of different cars for a variety of different reasons, most of which are not related to gender. Also, as someone else brought up previously, there are common cars that don't fit into any of these categories. I checked "four door sedan" because that's what my car most closely resembles of those five, but it technically isn't that.


    54. You are in a meeting and someone is continually clicking their pen,

    ("You wouldn't even notice it", "You would probably just ignore it, if you noticed it all", "You might ignore it, if they were seated far enough away from you", "You would notice it, but it wouldn't really bother you too much", or "That would bug you - you'd probably ask them to stop")

    I would definitely notice, but I almost certainly wouldn't be bothered by it. I don't think that's the same thing as "wouldn't bother you too much", but I supposed that was the closest answer.


    100. You are in a waiting room at your dentist, it's very crowded and you have to sit on a small couch next to someone of the same sex:

    ("I hate that! I might stand instead", "I'd sit next to the person, but I would 'bunch up' next to the armrest", "I'd sit there, but I wouldn't be comfortable", "Well, it's better than standing. I might even talk to them." or "GREAT! There's an open seat - you plop right down next to the other person.")

    I honestly can't remember how I answered, but my reaction is more about social interactions and having to be in close proximity to strangers than gender. Probably I'd have a similar response regardless of the apparent gender of the person that I'm sitting next to.


    If my actual results interest you, here that is. I've taken this test three times and gotten a slightly different result each time.

    Here's what I got today:


    Your Raw Score is: 490, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

    Your appearance is Masculine

    Your brain processes are mostly that of a Female person.

    You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

    You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity.

    You indicated your were born Female.

    Female to Male possible Transsexual

    And here's what I got a month ago:


    Your Raw Score is: 460, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

    Your appearance is Androgynous

    Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

    You appear to socialize in a feminine manner.

    You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity.

    You indicated your were born Female.

    Female to Male Crossdresser 

    I don't have the exact results from the first time (which was about 2 years ago), but I recall that it was similar to the second except it told me my brain processes are mostly that of a female person.


  8. When you say "an aromantic relationship", do you mean like a qpr? If so, that sounds pretty good in itself.

    Or did you mean to say a romantic relationship? In that case I might consider it, but it would depend on who with.


    You can have a million dollars, but you must subsist entirely on foods you hate for a year.

  9. Zebras are feisty. I'm sure 50 of them would be much worse than 5 lions. Therefore, I choose the lions.


    Would you rather live in an extremely hot climate or an extremely cold climate?

  10. On 7/25/2017 at 9:14 PM, Blackscarlet666 said:

    1 million dollars but you will have a constant feeling that you are being watched and see shadows out of the corner of your eye for a month

    For a million dollars, I’d put up with that for a month, as long as I can be sure that it would be over after that month.


    A million dollars, but you can’t have any face-to-face communication in your primary language for a month (whenever you have to communicate with someone in person, you must gesture, write a note, or use another language).

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