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Posts posted by Edin

  1. Ok so honestly i found this site a couple minutes ago and just got here so i'm kinda scared but going forward as the title says im questioning if i'm a cupioromantic.

    honestly this all started with the fact that i was still questioning if i was Bisexual or Pansexual because i really didn't care so much on gender and it frustrated me but then one day i was scrolling on tik tok (i know one of the worst places to find information) and the term Cupioromantic popped up and i started wondering if maybe i was that. The definition i found was that a cupioromantic is someone that feels little to no romantic feeling towards others but still craves a romantic relationship ( kind of like dreams of it or something like that)


    But i have my doubts because i have dated before, so it makes me second  guess myself, and i've been realizing that most of my crushes were forced onto me because i wanted to be normal like the other kids so i constantly just picked a random person and just went with it. and some i've even tried to force myself to like because i felt so weird not liking someone.


    But it isn't only these things i struggle with but it's also the term cupioromantic. i'm scared to say i'm a cupioromantic because i don't know much on it and if it means differently than what i'm thinking it means and i confuse someone and myself it'll just go into a frenzy of confusion. Also i'm wondering is it ok to identify as cupioromantic, i'm not educated on the Aro-Ace spectrum sadly so it makes me scared to find my way and possibly make a mistake. 


    im sorry i went on a ramble but the main reason i wrote all this was because i was wondering if someone could give me advice and educate me more on the term cupioromantic . also if someone could point me to the right flag because i'm not sure what it looks like....


                                                                                                                              Thank you for reading

                                                                                                                                                         Sincerely, Edin. 

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