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Posts posted by voiden

  1. Hello! 

    I am aroace and agender (I'm pretty sure, questioned for a long time and keep going back to 'maybe this is how all cis people feel' and then realizing I feel performative saying my pronouns are she/her and having feminine terms used for me exclusively as I'm afab) and I feel somewhat insubstantial as a part of the lgbtq+ community and as a person. I feel like my labels as a whole are just one big 'draw a blank' and therefore I have less of a personality and purpose. I somewhat dislike that all of my labels describe a lack of something that it feels like everyone else has, rather than a presence of it. 

    Idk, I don't really feel like a distinct person and feel like this relates to my identities. I'm wondering if anyone else has felt similarly insecure about their labels? I don't know if this exactly relates to being 'not queer enough' or if it's just a distancing from alloromantic, allosexual, allogender people in general. I just wanna be enough for myself. 

    oops I put this in intersectionality instead of sexuality and gender, how can I fix that? 

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