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Posts posted by AFennecfox

  1. Nita Sanchez and Kovit Sangwaraporn — Market of Monsters by Rebecca Schaeffer— aroace — queerplatonic partners in crime conquering a semi-magical black market

    Morgan Hault — The Great Library by Rachel Caine — aromantic — she and the main character play out a Standard YA Romantic SubplotTM then realize “oh crap… we’re in a Standard YA Romantic SubplotTM“ and just stay best friends instead (it’s hilarious)

    Emma Robledo — Sidekick Squad by C. B. Lee — aroace — superhero without powers who is smarter than all the other protagonists

    Vanja Ros and Emeric Conrad — Little Thieves by Margaret Owen — demiromantic demisexual — a thief and a “sanctimonious coatrack” detective-ing, making friends, and dealing with that one time Vanja accidentally started a cult

    Sal Vidon — Sal and Gabi Break the Universe by Carlos Hernandez — aromantic — I’m just living for the line “If you were any more aro, I’d shoot you out of a bow.”

    Glain Wathen — The Great Library by Rachel Caine — aroace — token badass leading an army to overthrow the dystopian Library of Alexandria

    Adair — Market of Monsters by Rebecca Schaeffer — aromantic — ice cream-loving kelpie who jokes about his murder basement

    • Like 1
  2. Currently reading When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey

    My favorite books are Suggested Reading (by Dave Connis, highly highly recommended), Not Your Backup, Dragonslayer, and The House of Hades (currently living for when The Sun and the Star comes out…)

    Mostly fiction. Fantasy and dystopian are probably my favorites. But I like reading a lot of different stuff

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  3. 1 hour ago, Fandom Fanatic said:

    Um hi. For anyone who knows me, I'm Fandom from AVEN. There's no way I'll be able to get back onto AVEN (computer search settings) but I figured, might as well make an Arocalyspe account. Had been planning to for a while, anyways.


  4. I just love having a word to describe who I am. It’s something that I don’t think non-queer people really think about: that somewhere, there is an actual word that people know that describes something complicated about YOU.

    Like there can be things you’re familiar with, and you know what they are, but they don’t have a name. But when you find the word for them, it just seems so perfect. (Like the word malinger means to pretend to be sick so you don’t have to do work! I’m sure lots of people are familiar with that idea, but there’s also words to describe that thing that we’re familiar with. That’s something cool about different languages, since they can have different words for concepts that otherwise are unnamed.)

    So there’s this complicated, messy, undeniable part of me. But there’s word for it. And that’s the most wonderful feeling in the world.

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  5. 1 hour ago, AromanticAardvark said:

    You've read the Sidekick Squad series too??? I don't know anyone who has (well I haven't read the third book, but I've read the first two)

    Yay! I also don’t know anyone who’s read them so that’s soo great that you have :)

    I don’t remember too much about the series, bc it’s been almost a year and once I started questioning all understanding of the actual plot went out the window, but I think you should read book three? Question mark? Emma’s aroace and my queer icon and that’s my only real recollection of it

  6. 4 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:

    what superpower would you like to have?

    For the longest time I wanted the power of knowing exactly where everything is and being able to find anything, but when I told anyone they thought it was kind of a boring superpower.

    But then the main character in the Sidekick Squad series, which was also the books that made me realize I was aro, had that exact same power. Tell me it’s not meant to be.

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  7. Glain Wathen, Morgan Hault, and Annis from The Great Library series by Rachel Caine

    It is specifically said that Glain does not show desire for a romantic partner and only expresses love through loyalty and friendship

    For Morgan, I raise you this quote: “The problem was that she wasn’t sure she was in love with him. Or capable of that kind of feeling. He was as close as she’d ever been to the grand sleeps of emotion she’d seen others take.”

     And Annis is aroallo ofc

    Please say someone else has read this series? I love it so much but don’t know anyone who’s heard of it

  8. Books. (All the best things come from books.) Specifically Not Your Backup by CB Lee, part of a series about queer superheroes.

    Which was kind of strange, because I came across the term aromantic less than two months earlier in a different book, but I guess that one just didn’t register.

    This was followed by a week of feeling like my life was falling apart and staying up all night doing google research. And now I’m ~fine


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  9. I’m in high school and I was meeting with my schools GSA today, we talked a bit about projects and then were just hanging out. My friend who is the same gender as me hugged me and I must have looked pretty uncomfortable, bc someone said kind of jokingly “And then the only straight person here.”

     That was followed by a lot of awkward silence and me telling them I’m aro.

    I don’t try to hide my identity. I have aro + aroallo striped keychains on my backpack, and some of my friends know (including the friend who was hugging me- she was definitely not doing that as a romantic gesture). But I guess, to a lot of people, I look “straight”. I dress pretty traditionally femme and I’m not interested in other girls, therefore I must be straight. And I’m a quiet, kind of awkward person in group settings, so I think people were assuming I was uncomfortable with talking about queer stuff.

     The thing that’s bothering me isn’t that people were mistaking my identity. If I haven’t directly told them, I wouldn’t expect them to know. I’m just really put off/wierded out by the idea that everyone sees me in a way that is so different from how I see myself. I feel like I got to watch myself from outside my body. What is it that I’m doing that’s making literally everyone see me like this?

    thank you for dealing with my angsty teenage ramblings :)

  10. 12 hours ago, Holmbo said:

    Which periodic element is the most aro? Maybe one of the gases on the right (don't know what the group is called in English). That doesn't react with other elements.

    They’re the noble gases. And yes! I had a teacher who literally compared atoms bonding to people dating and said the noble gases were the ones who were happy being single

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