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Daniel Catherine

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Posts posted by Daniel Catherine

  1. 9 hours ago, nonmerci said:

    It is hard to say without context. Aroflux is a possibility indeed.  It could also just be the evolution of your feelings.

    How frequently do you experience crushes? Are there periodswhen you will feel romantic attraction, and other periods when you don't? If you feel it, how long does it last?

    Maybe answering these questions can help.

    I don't get crushes very often. And yeah sometimes I do go through times when I feel romantic attraction and times when I don't. But the other thing is that when I thought I was in love, it made me feel bad. Like... I didn't want that kind of feeling. 

  2. Okay, here's the deal. I thought I was 100% Aromantic. Then I thought I was in love, so not completely Aro. But now I don't feel like I'm in love, so I'm like, "is me thinking I'm in love just societal conditioning? Or maybe it was just being closeted for so long and stripping away every bit of my lgbt identity to fit into a cis-het amatonormative box?" Could it be that? Or is part of being Aro-flux feeling like I'm in love sometimes and other times like I'm not in love? I'm so confused. Advice? Comments? Answers?

  3. Howdy, I'm Daniel Catherine, or Dani, if you like. I'm so confused and frustrated with my identity right now (juicy details to follow in another post), so I'm glad to have found this site. I think I'm Aro-flux. I also recently learned the term Archaro, whereby the Aro identity is the primary one, and I consider myself as such. I'm also Genderfluid (they/them pronouns) and Asexual. I'm not really sure what else to say, so I'll throw up the deuces... for now. :D

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