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Posts posted by PossibleAro0827

  1. 4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

    Yes definitely! It's hard to overcome internalized amatonormativity, which led me (personally) to ID as cupio for quite a while. (Not that everyone who identifies as such is 'in denial' or whatnot, I'm sure there are some who genuinely want romantic relationships and are totally valid in identifying as they do, but this was just in my case.) Further knowledge of alternative relationships such as qprs and chosen families helped me accept that a romantic relationship was not the type I (personally) truly wanted. 

    Again, of course if you think it over and you are affirmed in your want for a romantic relationship, you are in no way invalid and this is just my experience. 

    Love being broadcasted as the main topic of most popular songs is somewhat brainwashing as well.

    Yeah exactly! It kind of is, to the point where I’ve tried to write a song before and I was like “Well, I haven’t been in love and that’s what the majority of songs are about so....yeah.”

  2. Because I’m happy being single when I don’t think about the fact that I’m single, and I was OBSESSED with Disney as a kid and you know how they definitely contributed to the idea that you can’t ever be happy unless you’re in a romantic relationship, and I always though I’d end up in one, but lately I’ve realized that I might not really feel those feelings for other people if you know what I mean.  

    1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:

    You might be cupioromantic if you want romantic relationships, so that's something to look into if you think it could be the case. Bellusromantic is another possibility, though that would be more of a liking of the idea and fluff of relationships rather than the reality of being in one. Idk if you like microlabels though. 

    What with telling the difference between romantic attraction and alterous/platonic/other sorts of attraction, you are the only one who can truly decide what you're feeling, but I feel this site may help with that. Good luck!


  3. Hi. I’m new and also very very confused. So I had someone I was asked out by and they said they did it out of pity and I cried because I wanted to go out with them. The problem is, idk if I ever actually “fell in love” with them but I wanted to be in that sort of relationship with them????? According to what I’ve read online, people think about their “love interest” a lot, like 85% of the time and my mind was just blown. Like I get it, they’re in love so they’re probably going to feel serious emotions, but 85% OF THE TIME? It’s weird, I know but I’ve heard there are people like this. I never felt “butterflies in my stomach” or thought about them all of the time, so I’m wondering if I can get some help from aromantics. Please.

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