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Posts posted by BananaBlues

  1. Hi! I just recently found this thread and it's really great, cause I've been struggling with the exact same problems? I think I'm grey-romantic, but only for a few years now? If that's possible?


    Basically, I found a guy that really gave me all the gitteries, all the fireworks, the whole shebang, and we were together for a year and a half, and then I just kinda... Lost the feeling? Like, not in the way of "oh the initial lovey-dovey feeling fades", but in a way of, I didn't want to kiss him anymore, everytime we met up I felt like I had something better I could be doing, etc. So, I figured it just wasn't meant to be and we broke up. That was almost three years ago. But since then, I haven't had feelings for anyone. Like, I'd have a tiny little crush, as in "oh he seems cute and nice", and then the next day it was gone. 


    Now, I know what you're thinking. "It's only been three years. Maybe you just haven't found anyone new yet." And I don't blame you! Maybe that is the case.


    The reason I'm worried is that I'm getting increasingly apathetic towards any type of romantic relationship. Before anything even has a chance of developing, I already shut it down without realizing it. 

    I really want to fall in love, but it's like I'm subconsciously not open to it. I'm not feeling anything.


    Again, maybe it's just the fact that it's only been three years, and I'll definitely give it time, but at the rate it's going, I don't see it happening. It's just something that I've been struggling with for a while now. I've attributed it to my tendency to rationalize and overthink everything. 


    Maybe I'm in the beginning stages of where you are? Or maybe I'm just being overdramatic.


    Sorry for hijacking your post? I haven't really added anything useful, but I guess I want you to know I feel the same way, and reading this thread really helped me. So thank you for starting it!

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