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Posts posted by KymiNyci

  1. 22 hours ago, eatingcroutons said:

    Apps to do what? 

    Well, not necessarily anything particular. But I thought it would be cool if there was an Aromantic App, similar to a social media app, but with things like Aro spec definitions and information. Or even something more social for people to connect with other Aromantics. 

  2. I honestly think Elsa from Frozen is Aro, especially after the new Frozen2.? ??


    ??? She literally sings a song about how she has found herself, and that's all she needs (basically). And when her sister Anna was all, love love romance *smushes toys faces together*, Elsa literally went "Ew" and tossed the 'prince' aside so the queen could save everyone.

    Elsa is Aro, I rest my case.

    I also just thought of two other characters I headcanon as Aro! Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. I know a lot of people put them together romantically (which is ok), but they stick together for years (literally sense man was created) and they don't actually show romantic interest for anyone in the show. But they stick together and help one another. I totally ship them as Aromantic Platonic Soulmates.

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  3. I went to kumoricon not to long ago, and someone was selling Aro pins. It's actually really cool, they took the Aro flag and made it into a rose. Each petal is a color of the flag. I put it on my black beanie that says "No Thanks" on it lol (ㆁωㆁ) I absolutely love it.

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  4. I think it goes both ways. I remember reading what the different labels of the Aromantic spectrum were, and I remember there was one definition that said they became Aromantic because "of a tramatic or life changing experience" (I can't remember what it was called tho). But it was different from other versions of Aromanticisum. So I think it depends ┐( ∵ )┌ I think that the type of Aromantic that became an Aromantic later in life, could MAYBE not be one later on. But idk, I'm not a phycologist, and I don't know anything about the human mind and trauma. ┐(‘~`;)┌


    But that being said, I know for a fact that I'm Aromantic by birth. I haven't had anything "traumatic" happen to me to make me this way. (ㆁωㆁ)

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  5. When I told my aunt I was Aro she said, and I quote,

    "Are you sure it's not a side effect of the medication your on?" 

    Like, yes auntie, my insulin (which everyone naturally produces), made me Aro. Sure we could take me off it, then you wouldn't have to worry. I'd be dead. ಠ ೧ ಠ

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  6. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧(*´ω`*)<( ̄︶ ̄)>(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)✧\(>o<)ノ✧♪~(´ε` )¯\_༼ᴼل͜ᴼ༽_/¯┻┻︵¯\(ツ)/¯︵┻┻ಠ益ಠ༎ຶ‿༎ຶヘ(。□°)ヘ⟵(o_O) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)~(つˆДˆ)つ。☆ᕙ(ಠ ਊ ಠ)ᕗฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾┐(´(エ)`)┌ಠωಠ(๑´•.̫ • `๑)ミ●﹏☉ミ*・゜゚(^O^)↝






    <( ̄︶ ̄)>

  7. Ok, hear me out. The Dwarves in JRR Tolkien's books have a "One". Sounds a bit romantic so far, right? Well, it is also states that a Dwarfs "One" can be their work or something they are passionate about. Like their "One" can be jewelry making or toy making or even mining. So to me, it sounds like the Dwarves have at least part of their population as Aromantic.

    What do you guys think? (*´ω`*)

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  8. I'm actually trying to figure out if I want to come out. And if I do, then how? My friend confessed to me, and I tried to explain how I don't feel those emotions in connection to me. But I think I messed up, because later that day, he wanted to know if I "thought about it". I was like, "yes, I already told you no." 


    And now I'm worried. I'm worried that he still has hope, and that he's just going to hurt himself. I'm also worried about talking to him, because I don't know what I did to make him think I was interested, so how will I know how to avoid it?


    I think coming out would be good, but I'm also nervous. I tried talking to my mom, but she told me to wait and "not make any rash decisions". Like, what about that is rash?


    I am also worried because if I do decide to come out, how? How do I explain to people about what I am, without it seeming like an excuse not to be with this person?

  9. So, I recently found out that I'm Aromantic. More specifically, I'm Autochorisromantic/Aegoromantic. I never had to even think about this stuff (never really thought about romance in connection to me), but recently I had to let someone down. Now this isn't about that, it's just a reference type thing.


    Anyway. Now that I'm more aware of how I feel about romance in connection with me, I feel slightly weird reading/watching story's/movies I was fine with before. I almost feel guilty reading/watching them. Like, I'm not repulsed by romance in, like, movies or books. I just don't like it connected to me. 


    Will this last forever? Or will the almost guilt like feeling continue? Anyone have any suggestions for me?

  10. I think it depends on the person. Me, I would have loved to know about this before, especially the different types. I never connected it to me, because I like reading and watching romance movies. And to know that there is a type of Aromantic that is like that. That was amazing. 


    But make sure you don't say "you are..." Or "your more than likely..." Because those two sentences tend to bring people's walls up. Just send her a link to an information site (like this one) and tell her to look it up. At least, that's what would have worked best w me.

  11. Yes, I did make excuses at first. And I tried to be what I thought was "normal", but when I realized that I was actually hurting myself by doing this, that was when I started to look into what was going on. 


    Your probably right in the fact of she hasn't connected the dots. I mean, it took several panic attacks for me to even consider it.


    Also, I am glad as well. It feels like I don't have a weight on my shoulders anymore.

  12. Ya, it was confusing at first. I knew that being aro was a thing, but because something like this has never come up, I never needed to study it before. But now that I have, so many things make sense now.

  13. I believe I'm aro because of something that recently happened to me. I have this friend (not going to say their name), who wanted to be more with me. I said yes, mainly because I thought I might like him too. Only problem, is that I've never liked anyone before. I've never even had a celebrity crush. I tried, I really did. But after that happened, I ended up having a panic attack. And sense it was after he dropped me off, I ended up having several of them. I finally ended up being able to sleep, but after I woke up and saw he messaged me, I had another panic attack.


    I tried thinking about what was the problem, and then I realized that I had been ignoring what my body was telling me. I didn't like kissing, I felt it was weird, and I wanted to scrub my mouth out after. I also did not like the hugs or holding hands. I tried thinking about being in a relationship in general, and all I could feel was panic.


    The only reason why I thought it was normal was because I heard people saying stuff about "nerves" and "butterflies in the stomach". But, I realized that it wasn't that. It was pure panic. I realized that I couldn't continue with it, and I explained it to him. He said he understood, but I'm afraid he thinks this is just nerves over being in a relationship. I don't think it is. I wasn't sad that the relationship ended, I was glad. The only reason why I was sad, was because I knew I was going to hurt him. 


    I don't know where I am on the spectrum yet, but I feel like I'm very firmly in the not liking being romanced. I like watching it, and reading about it. But I don't like it happening to me.

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