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Posts posted by CheeseOverlord

  1. 9 hours ago, Jot-Aro Kujo said:


    Lucky Star is... kinda grossly sexual though. I mean, it is definitely a funny and relatable show with fantastic music, but it's also designed to brainwash you into buying Haruhi DVDs pretty creepy re: teenage girls, in the way that most anime of its genre are. I think that's worth mentioning, at least.

    Yeah, you're right, I should have mentioned that. I personally find that kind of thing really funny, but it's definitely not for everyone.
    Most anime is pretty grossly sexual though (it's kind of how they do over there).

  2. When I was younger, I used to play would you rather online, and whenever a "love/romance vs ___" question came up, I would always choose the thing that wasn't romance, and was shocked when the majority of people chose romance
    It definitely didn't help my self-esteem that all the comments said that everyone who didn't choose romantic love was heartless and should just leave the planet

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  3. When I first came out as aro to my friend, she thought I was joking at first, and had to ask for clarification the next day (I have trouble sounding sincere). Once I told her that I was being serious, she didn't seem surprised, and was really supportive
    She also probably came out to more people for me than I did, which was kind of weird, but she was really happy for me, and it was easier than me doing it myself, so I didn't mind. She already knew about aromanticism too, so she didn't misrepresent me. I made sure to explain it myself when I came out as grey-ace though, as that's a bit more complicated.

    I'm still not out to my parents though. I think that they'll support me, but it just hasn't come up yet.

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