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Posts posted by hawkeye

  1. Rey is my little space aroace bean I love her dearly. also please consider aromantic homosexual/asexual (grey-homosexual?) Poe Dameron. 


    I used to watch Supernatural and aro!Dean is intriguing to me, especially because I always had Cas pegged as aro (and Sam as demisexual). I have no idea what's happened in the past however many seasons it's been since I stopped watching, so I can't speak to any of the newer stuff. deancas is the ship that introduced me to queerplatonic relationships, though, which completely changed my life, and for that I'm eternally grateful. I'm kind of digging aro!Dean, though.


    and then to add something new: aromantic Natasha Romanoff, more so in the movies than the comics since she hasn't been in a movie since Captain America: The Winter Soldier ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. she's queerplatonic with Clint, who was the first person she allowed herself to be close with, the first person to see her as something other than a killer. I think part of her sees it as protecting the people who's close to her, but she comes to realize that it's because the attraction simply isn't there.


    I feel like all of my headcanons get so violently jossed that I tend to wonder if I'm actually reading the characters right. (Jemma Simmons from Agents of SHIELD is akoiromantic and the writers can fight me. Also Lincoln Campbell is ace not sorry.) or I just have really rotten luck who knows

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