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Am I greyasexual?


I've experienced sexual attraction only once, to a girl, and lost it as soon as it came (not literally, but it did disappear the same day), and I haven't felt it to anyone since, and believe I may never feel it again, though uncertain. But the asexual label doesn't fit me anymore, and I want to think I'm just really late to the party (I don't want to be in the grey area, and idk why). 


Edited by Needlemouse
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You can still be just asexual. Ain’t nothing telling you that you have to take up a new label just a cause you experienced a singular, and extremely short lived sexual attraction. If you feel like the label doesn’t fit you then certainly gray-ace is a good way to go if you want to remain on the ace-spec, but if you still like ace then it’s fine if you just keep ace okay?

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