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Hi all! I'm Queasy ? I'm a bi aroallo! I'm 23, and I like peach vodka, baking, and sordid fanfic. She/her/they/whatevs

I'll try to squish my identity journey down to a couple paragraphs-- I've known I was bi since I was about 15. When I was maybe 18 or so, I realized I liked writing characters who were aro, though I didn't know that "aromantic" was a word. The concept of someone being really averse to traditional romance while still maintaining close friends and being sexually active without guilt really struck something in me, but I wasn't yet in a place to investigate that part of myself. I went through two big relationships, one when I was 20, one when I was 21/22. Both ended pretty badly. I found a good therapist, figured out my mental health stuff (that's putting it pretty simply lol) and now here I am, one year later! I re-investigated myself, found r/aromantic on reddit, and two months later found a new identity. 

I experience really strong platonic attraction (for various childhood-memory reasons), and when it's put together with physical attraction, it feels very intense! I get "crushes" on people often: sometimes it's just platonic, sometimes it's just physical, and sometimes it's both! It was really freeing to be able to identify what that feeling actually was, and also identify the lack of any actual romantic attraction or interest in a romantic relationship. I don't know if I'd want a lifelong QPR, but I do fantasize about having a really good friend who'd be ~open~ to things with no strings or expectations. 

I swing back and forth with liking romance in my media. On one hand, I get super into cheesy romance novels, both good and bad. Pride & Prejudice stands on the same shelf as Kidnapped by the Pirate, and both give me equal joy. I devour fanfiction, both sap and trash. On the other hand, sometimes TV/movie/book relationships rub me completely the wrong way. Still not sure why I vibe with some but not others, but that'll just be another part of my journey! (The most important part, obviously.)

Anyway hi all! Talk to me about movie soundtracks, good baking recipes, your favorite/least favorite literary trope, or your favorite dating sim! (Don't judge, I like 'em.)

Edited by Queasy_Attention
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Welcome! :) As a baking lover, I'm sure you'll appreciate some aro ice cream as a welcome: :aroicecream: (Though, is ice cream-making considered baking? Now I'm second-guessing...)

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3 minutes ago, Neir said:

Welcome! :) As a baking lover, I'm sure you'll appreciate some aro ice cream as a welcome: :aroicecream: (Though, is ice cream-making considered baking? Now I'm second-guessing...)

Thanks!! I mean, I'll take ice cream any day any time. And hey, you can totally bake ice cream. Glad to be here!

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