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Garlic Bread

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Everything posted by Garlic Bread

  1. " he didn't consent to being eaten"
  2. someone that matches my personality (obviously) trust hugs and hand holding live together and share responsibilities get married for tax reasons someone that i can do things with a best friend things with basically a best friend that i live with and a bit more love
  3. since nobody is going to do it because they want the funny number i'll do it 68
  4. i don't actually have an opinion on this but i want to see other peoples reactions to it
  5. i posted the same question on AVEN and no one also seems to know either but i am going to try and figure it out but if an asexual dated someone how would gender affect it
  6. you have more toast. but each slice is shredded into a million different pieces i with for the power to control wind
  7. "whaaaat, scotch eggs are wonderful."
  8. this romance repulsed flag was made by u/ThatLatinaHomie on reddit and I'm wondering if people agree if it should be changed
  9. eww i don't know if anybody has said garlic bread yet (if not then Beef and mutton korma
  10. the body part is sort of irrelevant because I'm talking about gender not sex and also I don't understand how it is relevant by the fact that's sexual attraction not romantic.
  11. How does gender affect who you are romantically attracted to? I never understood how what gender someone identified as changed if you loved them or not. because a woman can still dress masculine and men can dress femininely and and same for non binary people. I don't understand what makes someone attracted to people so I don't understand this much. is it looks? personality? or something else? because none of them seem to have gender affecting them.
  12. What age do romantics usually first get crushes and celebrity crushes? I'm an aromantic and I'm just wondering at what age did you get your first crush and what age did you get your first celebrity crush?
  13. I didn't have many early signs but the ones I had should have been an obvious clue. As a kid I never had any crushes on anyone and whenever I told someone they didn't believe me which always confused me (this should have been a large sign). Also I always hated most romantic relations in movies and books because I thought that they were just wasting time and ruining the already good platonic relationship between the characters and I didn't like how I couldn't relate to any of it.
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