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Status Replies posted by Eklinaar

  1. This is personal but I had sex for the first time (with my ex-bf and current friend, who knows I’m aro), and later when we were going to sleep he put his hand on my waist and kissed my shoulder and I thought ‘yeah, this isn’t working for me’.  I had a feeling this is where split attraction would get tricky.  I hope it gets easier. 

    1. Eklinaar


      I hope it was a good experience otherwise.  I'd say that's a good sign of where to create some boundaries.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I went to a wedding yesterday! It actually went really well. I ate all kinds of finger food and danced the night away :3

  3. I am officially moved in to my new college dorm. It was tedious and time-consuming to get all my stuff moved in. Now I'm in, have met the others in my suite and am ready for classes.

    1. Eklinaar


      Hey, good luck with the new school year.

  4. just btw, i'll gladly answer pretty much any question you have for me, whether apropos of something i wrote or of nothing.  i may not be thrilled with everything allos ask me, but i know you guys are always motivated by genuine interest and open-mindedness and i love talking to you.

    1. Eklinaar


      Whew, I can relate to this a lot.  People thinking it's acceptable to blow off their friends irritates me a lot.  My first long-term girlfriend regularly criticized me for not blowing off my friends to be with her instead, and I told her that was a shitty thing for her to ask me to do, but she maintained it was not.  It's frustrating that mistreating friends is normalized.


      I think I'm out of questions for now, but this has been great.  Feel free to contact me any time if you want to talk.  There have been some interesting conversations on Tumblr lately about the intersection of aromanticism and polyamory, though I think a lot of it would just be really obvious to you.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. just btw, i'll gladly answer pretty much any question you have for me, whether apropos of something i wrote or of nothing.  i may not be thrilled with everything allos ask me, but i know you guys are always motivated by genuine interest and open-mindedness and i love talking to you.

    1. Eklinaar


      I was just curious because I've heard a lot of different answers to that question, and it comes up often on Tumblr.


      Do you feel like being aromantic affects your friendships?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. just btw, i'll gladly answer pretty much any question you have for me, whether apropos of something i wrote or of nothing.  i may not be thrilled with everything allos ask me, but i know you guys are always motivated by genuine interest and open-mindedness and i love talking to you.

    1. Eklinaar


      Yeah I think it was similar for me getting into polyamory.  It's clearly a rational choice for me, and a very obvious one.  Since I don't really view romantic relationships as fundamentally different in any way from friendships, it makes sense that romantic relationships have the same freedom from restriction as friendships, and that was not a big leap for me in any way.  But in the polyamory community here, a lot of people view polyamory as a "relationship orientation", that they fundamentally need polyamory in order to actualize themselves.  It's not a view I understand, but it is one I respect.


      Do you feel like being aromantic affects your perception or experience of gender?  A lot of aromantic people I've talked with have a lot to say about that, but you haven't mentioned it yet, so I'm curious what you think.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. just btw, i'll gladly answer pretty much any question you have for me, whether apropos of something i wrote or of nothing.  i may not be thrilled with everything allos ask me, but i know you guys are always motivated by genuine interest and open-mindedness and i love talking to you.

    1. Eklinaar


      Thanks so much for your responses!  Your replies are great, very thought-provoking and well-considered.  Do you have a blog about aromanticism?  If so, I want to read it.


      As for me, I'm not heterosexual or cis, so I have a lot of intersections with the queer label and it's very important to me.  But being aromantic is just as important a part of my queerness as being nonbinary and whatever-the-hell-my-sexuality-is.  Honestly I'd say my sexuality is less important a part of my queerness as my experience of attraction and gender identity, but it still matters.  I have been an organizer in various queer communities, online and offline, at various points in my life, so queer outreach and activism matter to me personally and I'm always seeking to continue engaging with the world in that way.  I've also had a lot of bad experiences in queer communities, largely as a result of gatekeeping.  So I'm always hesitant to join new queer communities and I have trouble feeling connected with a lot of people in queer communities because I'm never sure they see my experiences and identity as valid.  But I staunchly claim the label "queer" because ain't nothing about me straight and I'm not going to let exclusionists take that label from me.  And I agree with everything you said about exclusionism.  It inevitably leads to a reductive view of identity.


      I feel very similarly about nonsexual intimacy as you do.  I'm pretty interested in physical intimacy as an expression of emotional intimacy, but most of my emotionally intimate friendships have not allowed for that.  But I take emotional intimacy pretty seriously, and I feel very committed to the people I have been emotionally intimate with.  I also feel like I prioritize emotionally intimate friendships much more than allos do, and it's incredibly frustrating and isolating.  I put the same amount of work and consideration into friendship as I would into romance, but I don't feel like my friends do the same, or care that I do.  I often feel like allos are seeking emotional intimacy but ignore it when a friend offers it, even if that friend knows them very well and would be very good at fulfilling their needs, in favor of finding a romantic partner instead.  One of the areas where you and I may differ significantly is that I don't feel a need to draw distinctions between which kinds of physical intimacy belong in which kinds of relationships.  To me, cuddling and kissing aren't inherently romantic because I don't experience them as romantic.  They're just intimacy to me, and work just as well in a friendship as in other kinds of intimate relationships.  Of course, I've never been intimate with anyone who shares this view, so I've always had to follow distinctions anyway.


      As for sexuality, well, my sexuality is a mess.  I guess it's because I'm nonbinary and agender, but I have a hard time seeing what gender has to do with sex.  Attraction isn't even really a major factor in sex for me, though it's nice when it's present.  Basically what I want from sex is yet another vector of emotional connection.  The physical pleasure is nice, but it's the emotional connection I actually crave.  I'm not really sure what form that can take with me.  I've had a number of romantic relationships, most of which were disasters, but the sexual part of those relationships was often the most stable and most satisfying part for me.  I've only had one sexual relationship that wasn't a romantic relationship, but it had problems for other reasons.  The best sexual relationship I had was mostly a romantic relationship, though it changed forms several times and we were always talking about what relationship model would best suit us both, and after we split up, that partner decided she's a relationship anarchist.  But we focused on the emotional bond we had, both in our sexual and non-sexual interactions, and it was immensely satisfying to me.  I also need at least some kind of emotional commitment for sex to work at all for me, though that can just be the commitment of continued friendship.  But I don't really know what specifically I want from sexual relationships right now.  I just know I want to at least feel like my sexual partner cares about me and our relationship, whatever that relationship is.


      You mentioned polyamory.  What about polyamory is important to you?  Is it like an orientation for you?


      For me, I've been an organizer in the local polyamory community for a few years.  I got into it before realizing I'm aro, because I felt slightly less smothered in polyamorous relationships than in monogamous ones.  I don't actually care about having multiple partners, I just like the relationship models of polyamory better.  I was also super impressed with the local polyamory community when I first got involved.  The communication and self-awareness skills needed to navigate polyamory are exactly the kind of thing I want to develop, regardless of what relationship models I'm interested in.  I was so impressed with the community that I became an organizer, and then realized I'm aro.  I struggled for a while with feeling like a fake polyamorist because polyamory focuses so much on romantic love, but after I thought about it for a while, I realized it's actually a pretty good fit for being aromantic.  So I'm still an organizer there.


      Thank you for having this conversation.  It's very enjoyable.  Allo aro chat is something I need more of in my life.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. just btw, i'll gladly answer pretty much any question you have for me, whether apropos of something i wrote or of nothing.  i may not be thrilled with everything allos ask me, but i know you guys are always motivated by genuine interest and open-mindedness and i love talking to you.

    1. Eklinaar


      I'm always interested in hearing about the experiences of allosexual aros, since the only people who talk about us are us, it seems.


      As a heterosexual aro, what does the queer label mean to you personally?  (Not trying to start discourse, just curious about your personal story in this regard.)


      How does being aro influence your experience of nonsexual intimacy?


      What kind of emotional connections do you want or care about with your sexual partners?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. That feeling when all your good friends begin to ignore you, and all of your attempts to make new friends are blocked by people having romantic partners or an already-established group of close friends...

    Heartbreaking. And boring. /Rant over

    1. Eklinaar


      I think you're pretty cool, and I doubt you're overbearing.  People just don't seem to take friendship seriously.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Decided with all the impending loneliness I've been feeling that I ought to get used to my own company. So far I have done a pretty crappy job of making myself get out for something other than work or errands. But tonight I went out just for me--I went to an art exhibit reception that included a photograph and poem pairing by me, and then I went to a graphic novel discussion group at my public library and picked up a bunch of books I don't have time to read. It was mostly pleasant.

    1. Eklinaar


      Yeah, socializing can be frustratingly unsatisfying, but I understand the need.  Good luck with all that.  I spend most of my time alone, too.  I focus on my hobbies a lot, and I make friends online.  Hopefully you can find something that works for you.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Watching st:tng season 4, episode 25, in theory, where Data pursues a romantic relationship. About how I remembered my past dating life. The romance just does not compute.

    1. Eklinaar


      Yes, I love this episode!

  12. Passed my final road test! Now I can be a Real Driving Adult™ (Oh no...).

    1. Eklinaar


      Best of luck!



      ?     ?            

  13. I think I am coming on too strong in this friendship and that’s stressing me out I just want to express how deep my love is but at the same time I’d rather die than make a friend uncomfortable so uuuuuuuuh Time For Depression 

  14. Hey, I noticed you haven't posted anything in a while.  I hope everything's okay.

    1. Eklinaar


      I'm glad you're okay.  Good luck with your project!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. hm. it's only the second week of summer vacation and i'm already getting bored. what do i do??????????

  16. Me: *is in a fit of depression*

    My mum: Let's order some pizza!!

    Me: ???

    1. Eklinaar


      :pizza emoji:

  17. This week I learnt that my dad still believes there are only two genders. I didn't bother to say anything to him, but still... ugh.

  18. I was actually pretty excited to plan an outfit for my sister's wedding this year... but no, turns out it's all being planned by the bride-to-be. I didn't know about this beforehand since I was six the last time I was anywhere near a wedding. Thanks, allos!

    1. Eklinaar


      Yes, the best part of weddings is free food!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. I was actually pretty excited to plan an outfit for my sister's wedding this year... but no, turns out it's all being planned by the bride-to-be. I didn't know about this beforehand since I was six the last time I was anywhere near a wedding. Thanks, allos!

    1. Eklinaar


      Ah weddings, the most allo time of year.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. my best friend just called me her best friend and told me she loves me endlessly and i cried.  i'll never get tired of hearing that stuff.  

    1. Eklinaar


      what wholesome aro content

  21. Sexuality is confusing :(

    1. Eklinaar


      Indeed it is.

  22. Conflicted about prom and whether or not I should ask someone to be my platonic date.....All viable options are also alloromantics that have made a pass on me romantically and only other aro is taking their SAT

    1. Eklinaar


      Oh my god going to prom for desserts.  Why didn't I think of that?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. Was sad after listening to a love song because I probably won't feel romantic feelings for anyone in my life but then I realized that it was just the internalized amatonormativity talking and went into the kitchen for some ice cream. I'm okay now:aroicecream:

    1. Eklinaar


      You can feel those feelings for ice cream.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. aro culture is constantly being a stepping stone for your "friends" until they find a romantic partner and decide they don't need you at all

    consequently, aro culture is having this happen to you so often that you get used to it and just assume you can never trust your friends

  25. so just wondering when am i gonna be able to have an aro community OFF of the internet

    1. Eklinaar


      I've been looking for one my whole life.  Still looking.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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