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Everything posted by aro_elise

  1. I have one with a heart with the flag stripes in it. and I've been pushing the idea of pie as a symbol for aromanticism, you know, since the aces have cake. and pie is my favourite dessert.
  2. Well, you've come to the right person. It seriously freaks me out when people see a connection between romantic and sexual attraction, or are able to have a simultaneously romantic and sexual relationship. Of course the concept of romantic attraction in general is bizarre, but...anyway. Yeah, a lot of it's based on looks. As someone else said, I can find lots of people aesthetically attractive (including girls), and the entirety of the much smaller group I find sexually attractive is within the male part of the former group. I don't know how to explain to aces what makes these particular people sexually attractive to me, but I know they tend to share some common traits. See, I'm emo trash, so I go for that whole look, you know what I'm talking about. I have a pretty specific type, but it can vary a little. Some things which can add to my attraction to someone are their personality/behaviour--let me clarify, I don't conflate platonic attraction with sexual either; though they can be simultaneously present, they're unrelated--I mean if I find something hot about the way they act. Similarly, interests/talents, like how I find so many band members hot. As for how it manifests, sometimes I do just think 'he's hot, I want to make out with him/fuck him,' but even then, I'm not really, like, thinking about it; it's more of a feeling. Now, I may sound like the stereotypical misconception, you know, very sexual, all about hooking up, but if anything I might be less sexual than the average person, and I'm actually virgin, by the strict definition. My strong friendships are among the most important things in my life, not to mention that I enjoy my own company; sexual attraction and interaction is just something kinda fun, really not a big deal.
  3. well said! when I started dating my friend, I thought I just had to get used to it--my first relationship--but in 8 months I never did. I always stress that he's a great, attractive guy, we were and still are good friends, and it "not working out" had nothing to do with him, but people have a hard time understanding why you'd want a non-romantic relationship with such a person. of course, I can't understand why anyone would want a romantic relationship with anyone. I did but I never thought about my future husband. it was all about the party, honeymoon destination, and most of all (as a fashion design student) the dress. those parts sound great!
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