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About piplup

  • Birthday 02/19/1997

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  • Location
    tn, usa

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Young Frog

Young Frog (2/4)

  1. it shouldnt make me happy b/c my stomach hurts like hell but i got out of work b/c of it
  2. piplup


  3. i talked to my ex for the first time ever last week & he was talking about our relationship & started saying things like wow i rly miss us! u made me so happy! like.. calm down boy it was only a month & he started talking about his sexual life & made a comment that made me rly uncomfortable i told him that im aroace & he said is that a thing that tumblr made up? & i was like ....ok :'/ then i told him that our relationship was an experiment & i hope that made him feel like shit lol
  4. it was kind of cute but it was unnecessary as fuck
  5. i remember there was a scene in pirates of the caribbean & elizabeth & will were getting married while fighting pirates???
  6. idgi either like.. is it that easy to get over someone then start dating again?
  7. i see him as demiromantic :0 but since im aro & i love sherlock i see him as aro too
  8. my 2 lil sisters know but the one that im closest to i feel like she acknowledges it more i want to come out to my mom but idk i feel like shes going to say "its just a phase youll find someone in the future" so im just gonna sit back & prove her wrong
  9. i want a guy friend but im scared that might happen to me too lmao i have lil to none experience w/ boys outside my family
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