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Everything posted by TheAP

  1. I don't ship anyone because I'm not really into any fandoms, but I find shipping interesting.
  2. I'll have you know that when I was a baby I read the complete works of Dickens, developed 13 new mathematical formulas and singlehandedly took down a bank robber. (JK)
  3. Me neither...I was alive for less than a year and a half.
  4. Banned for sneaking into a Pokemon masquerade ball.
  5. Banned because I usually spell it with an E, but I spelled it with an A because I thought that was how it was spelled in the actual book, but apparently it's not.
  6. Banned for thinking there are only forty-nine shades of gray.
  7. I'm offended you're not sympathetic to others' fears.
  8. I'm offended that you won't help fight against the revolution.
  9. I'm offended because I was referring to my thread on AVEN.
  10. Has this turned into the question thread?
  11. Banned for not specifying where "there" is.
  12. Banned for practicing BDSM (Banning Dominance, Sadism and Masochism).
  13. Banned for masochism about being banned.
  14. I'm offended that you copied my thread idea.
  15. Banned because if having your ban be liked by someone else is grounds for banning, then you shall be banned as well. Mwahahahaha.
  16. TheAP


  17. Banned for not including James in the secret, and for not banning him.
  18. TheAP


  19. Banned for not warning me that the terrain was electric.
  20. Banned for not making your avatar stand still.
  21. Banned because I'm sure most people don't. *hugs*
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