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Everything posted by mewix

  1. I wondered what this was too
  2. It's okay xD I mean it's better than a lot of pizzas I have had with overly sweet sauce. Like ham and pineap pizza can be good if done well.
  3. You're welcome it's a good idea ^^
  4. mewix

    Am I bisexual?

    Yeah sexuality is a spectrum so I guess you could say you are some sort of bi, I mean u could still say u are straight or perhaps bicurious or heteroflexible I dont think the actual label matters tho too much.
  5. Eh I rarely use computer outside of work lol only for drawing and games hahha but I didn't feel it was worth it after seeing the questions and the amount of them. I doubt it be much easier though tbh usually surveys are easier on mobile if they are designed for it because you can click through quicker. The worst thing about it on mobile tho is the check boxes are way too small but the other thing is the text is too compressed together they really should have spaced things out better maybe seperate pages. But yea its just a quiz so lol. I taken similar tests of this nature b4 and they all sort of say the same thing but at least the questions aren't usually this weird xP Edit: so I did take it as I have not much to do cuz im resting in bed and yea as expected androgynous. But apparently also it considers me a female to male crossresser (but bi which is rare apparently lmao) dunno what that even means cuz most Women wear a at least a bit of "men" associated clothing. Honestly I just wear whatever is comfortable usually from Womans sections cuz its better fit and less stares but I have no problem with whatever is good. Think it's a bit sexist tbh. I wouldnt mind trying like proper cross dressing for fun tho like roleplay but I dont think I even selected the option that was like that cuz they all had the words "aroused" in. Like okay lol. I found a lot of it sexist and stuff about arousal and that was unecessary particularly when there wasn't like a normal option without it. The test also assumed that u shave either ur face or ur legs i do neither ahha. A lot of the questions that asked u problems I skipped and selected a random option cba haha.
  6. You can teleport yourself but only to one random place in a desert and it's a one way trip. I wish I could have all the sushi in the World
  7. I dunno slightly more feminine ppl (tho maybe not over the top) or androgynous but some of the tomboyish gurls I guess too. Women are generally more feminine tho ya lol so I guess different judgement but I think generally they are prettier haha. I did like blonde and blue eyes but tbh it doesn't really matter that much lol Generally I dun really care that much tho lol Sometimes I just feel I admire ppl and that.
  8. Probably why I identify with animals a lot xD (other than the fact I like drawing, furries oof) does that count. Well not as an animal lol (some ppl do ofc) just liked them as a kid those stories made more sense to me than a lot of the princess stories and that. These days I am into a lot more things tho but when you are very young ya know. Yea I agree tho (as a Woman) a lot of female characters in media tend to be associated with Romance. Or I guess there are the evil characters but even those can be romantic lol. And I guess ghibli or certain anime (if you are careful) have some good Women/girl characters. And the tomboyish characters often aren't so much (but too tomboyish and a lot of male viewers get frustrated). The thing is for me personally I wouldn't really care about a tiny bit of romance tho if it wasn't the sole or main focus, sometimes ngl I think it is just bad writing or female characters being afterthought or just a person for the protagonist to be with. There are some books that don't focus as much but yea seems like much more that do sometimes, maybe it's what a lot of people want idk or ingrained thoughts like I guess it is more acceptable for Male characters not to focus on Romance. But I have seen a lot of modern YA lit particularly dystopian stuff or cultural stuff like that is much more varied and interesting. In the end I dont think media necessarily depicts reality. There is always non fiction too I guess haha tho even those can be airbrushed to an extent.
  9. Cats like to come and go a lot I think xD see some which goes and visit lots of different gardens and places.
  10. How about for food rice xD mostly random but I just thought of how rice in Spanish is Arroz. Not much more to that ?
  11. So I felt like quickly drawing something up as I saw that suggestion about a coat of arms in the flag thread. Not sure that was what was meant but this is what I thought of haha. Kinda cartoonish thing. Used vaguely Aro associated animals (griffin and an ardvark) and mostly based on what would look cool haha as standing animals plus a frog. And some arrows n that really. Dunno if all the elements work together well cuz colour clashes but ay I think it's an interesting concept x3
  12. Which do you think the best aro pride animal is or would make a good one?
  13. I think the problem with cheating is the violation of trust, but yea it probably comes from the whole expectation of having to only be with one person at once. When your heart wants to explore. That doesn't mean bad treatment though or just use and dump kinda thing that some people do and even use labels like Relationship anarchy as an excuse for that behaviour. Something like relationship anarchy proper is more like valuing people inherently without clear hierachy, and sort of individual understandings of what you gain from each other. It requires a lot of communication. If you be honest with someone then that's important thing even if you decide it doesn't work out at least you can be happy with the understanding and discussing what works best between different people. Different people have different expectations although to some extent you can come to an agreement that they may not have by discussing thing deeply. --- I been cheated on b4 (though I wasn't serious about the relationship it was more a friendship that developed, I kinda wanted to leave anyway...) and the thing that shook me wasn't the fact they were with someone else as much as the amount of dishonesty involved. In my case I wasn't ever against "open relationships" which I mentioned but they said they only do the one person thingy. Anyways they went crazy after a while and got with several people and then they started acting guilty to me and i got worried till i found out. It made me feel very bad cuz I trusted someone to be honest and the whole communication drop thing. Fixed things eventually after like as friends but yeah this kinda thing is no good for yourself and others. (At least it helped to secure the fact I don't want relationships) I'm sure some people do want casual encounters tho and many people are okay with multiple dating in the beginning either just like say you don't feel you want to continue or better right from the start say you are looking for something casual. Which is okay, I dunno though im gonna say if you get uninterested so quickly what is it that you are looking for in others? It is easy to get bored but like I think others aren't really a tool to satisfy you and while its fair not to want long term things it does seem it could become an unhealthy pattern. Now reading I'm thinking maybe the traits you see in others and ones that you would like to develop yourself? It's also possible to just be friends with such people and get to know them that way. Or there are things like FWB, QPR or just deep friendships of sorts.
  14. mewix


    https://loveless-aro.tumblr.com/ Here is a blog There is also a survey atm on it, it seems till 2nd of august.
  15. Ngl in some ways I prefer aspects of 'the aro is someone who is not interested in relationships' becauase its somewhat easier to define. It's clear to see who is interested who is not. I guess it's kind of simplistic. Then again there is the problem that includes too many people and some aros do have normative relationships. Many single by choice people wouldn't consider themselves aro and have other reasons for it like prioritising self growth or political. For some people being romantic is more a relationship style and that some people do get relationships without romance, in fact I seen relationships centered only around sex, does it make it aro? By allo I assume you mean alloromantic rather than allosexual who can be aro. It gets confusing at times. Aromantic defintion does talk about those who cannot feel romance well it's hard to define what that is. And it sort of implies it's innate but is romance really something innate to people in the same way as sexuality? Or more a personal trait or a choice, unless it is ofc neurological issues which cause it. I don't do romance because I don't like it but does being repulsed mean theoretically I could participate in the act. Maybe its somepart political or just seeing that it's not the right thing for me. I also think romance is at least in part socially constructed though I guess you could look to nature and things like birds dancing in courtship could be "romance". I just don't think romance tho is innate to people tbh, maybe the want for emotional connection and how you express it differently. But if culture changed could many romantic acts dissapear? Or is it a sign of a developed culture, I say because romance didn't exist in some cultures. I can do many the actions of "romance" outside of that context of trying to get a relationship like even with friends its nice to get them gifts and that. But since its not in the partnered context and that I don't consider it romance and I don't know I think some "romance" is a little overwhelming and kinda eeh. I mean some societies things like gifts are the backbone of their economy so yeah any of these things are not necessarily romance more the context of it. I assume that definition of not wanting a relationship and aro comes from the fact like in bojack "some asexuals want relationships and some don't", and a simplified understanding of that. I guess like it could be defined like sexual attraction like not having romantic attraction to someone but then its still confusing what romance is lol. Like is it the desire for partnership cuz its possible to have such without romance so I guess its more the courtship behaviours and things between it. For all I know I might not be aro at all but the defintion is confusing so I don't know who is and who isnt including only that I relate to some of the experiences and romance or relationships do not interest me. But that isn't removed from my views and that.
  16. Either 1 or 3 maybe. 1 is interesting because its different to other flags, 3 is nice and bright Personally I find 2 too dark it feels a bit murky and hard to see especially on certain screens. I guess like yeah 3 is a better version of 2.
  17. Because identity is complicated and individual. Not everyone experiences it in the same way. Gender has multiple associations including being a short hand for biological sex historically speaking, grammatical gender, gender roles as well as the inner identity. Honestly I don't experience gender identity at least in that way people consider. Okay I thought of pangender etc for a very short time but never seriously, I think like a blend of things but at the end of the day there is nothing essentially I can point to, if I took a test though I guess id be a blend of stereotypical feminine/masculine traits but at the end of the day it's how you see yourself or feel exprience. You could say agender but that would not be quite right either. I can relate to the experiences of being isolated from society but still nope. If I do tho chose any category for me it would be based still on my biosex since it affects my experience the most how society treats me and other things it's the easiest thing to define. How I feel though is gonna depend on who I spend time with, if you are talking performative gender, I could even feel inbetween. In the end I wont fit into any category and rushing to label myself doesn't make sense to me, especially as it becomes associated overtime with certain other expectations or generalisations, so I don't think it's a way to escape expectations rather create new ones. That's with any group category though so you always look at things loosely without attachment. I am just myself in the end and want to define myself. But I get sometimes there is a reason to do so to push back at society or use their categories to explain how they feel or feel accepted in a certain way. Gender non conforming people particularly if its pronounced, but the fact is it depends on the individual what they see themselves as or feel comfortable with. It's more to do with yourself and how you see the world. Also beliefs around it. Most of these genders seem to be a mix of female and male or neither/inbetween. Personality ones exist too, neurological and others which talk more about experience in depth. But it seems like this framework in general/the majority instances is about seeing the world in this female/male dichotomy for the most part. What we associate with each depends on culture but there is a generalised idea and perhaps a biological basis but different races/ethnicities do have small differences too. The lines of categories more policised in certain cultures than others too. I'd point out though usually third gender is often mostly to do with males who do not fit the gender roles. There are some females but it was rarer and harder for them to be allowed to escape their gender role. Many past societies were patriarchal societies. It's only in recent times things have changed to allow more expression (though some things might have gone backward too). Feminism helped liberate certain expectations making it acceptable to dress certain ways but perhaps not for everyone. But with individualism we are all more free to express in certain ways that includes sexuality too which got suppressed in certain societies even if we are not free in other ways. In collectivist cultures there might be more pressure to be a certain way. Past cultures had more unique expressions perhaps but with work roles limiting them I think roles were still limited for the most part, though culturally they may have had other conceptions of themselves which would be harder to explain within that framework, such as to do with animals, nature, the land etc. I think it's contextual. In the end a lot of it is socially constructed even if based on experiences (I suppose like language is) and well I feel that we are all unique individuals trying to find ourselves but we try to group and categorise ourselves as I guess humans just do that, but also if there is some useful reasons to. In a world free of stereotypes there might still be some notion of feeling different from norm or identity and gender cues but I'd expect the concept to evolve. This might be a bit of a critque but yes. The reason for someone not engage is they feel it does not matter in their life, they are critical of the concept or such. I guess the best way is to ask questions or ask why they are not interested and explain why. Get to understand their position more to help u discuss it or aspects of, then he might be more open to it.
  18. I think yea it's worse in the U.S. People here don't need to worry about not having medical insurance because you can get healthcare from the state and there is a social security net (even if it doesn't always work completely). So that is beneficial for many reasons. Even if housing can be expensive in some areas and such or tax benefits in marriage (except a lot of people do not marry). That's another issue marriage and how non married people are discriminated, we don't have common law marriage or anything like that over here. Ofc marriage has a lot of issues too. Many people in the world are choosing to be single nowdays or because they cant find a partner, divorced etc regardless of being aro but I think that is much lower in the US and one of the reasons might be its harder there. I don't know if traditions play in part too. And yea I don't use the word queer its a bit ambiguous in what it means kinda lumps in so many groups together and the distinctions between them. I guess it's a way of saying im different tho. I seen it used in many different contexts too. I did use it temporarily when i was questioning (still am a bit) or when I didn't want to put down my orientation exactly but yea I don't really anymore.
  19. I mean a lot of the other attractions are just personal preferences/resonances. Like who you are attracted to as a friend or who or what you feel comfortable with or or who or what looks pretty to you. Often that's based on personal tastes or even upbringing and that. Putting that to gender is strange imo but then again I think some artists are attracted to drawing certain gender more based on aesthetic not necessarily aligning with their primary orientation and that kind of thing. I mean some of these things in this case aesthetic attraction and that can apply to objects ahaha. I mean in certain languages objects have genders.. except by language those genders vary and are culturally specific. Some people are more comfortable hugging people of a certain gender or being friends with such, but then, for a lot of people that might be a lot of other factors for that as well for most people its usually more often people of the same gender ur comfortable with, it doesn't help there are social patterns ingrained in us that affect how we act. I guess in the case of being aroace the lack of the those attractions you focus on others and the way you interact in this world and what you preference. And greater ability to see things without the other things most people have obscuring it. But i'm not aroace so idk that. I think im even more confused now tbh ahh. Maybe someone who is an oriented aroace can explain it lol.
  20. I found this video interesting so sharing here too
  21. I dunno if it is Aro or what not but I wanted to share some thoughts. A lot of relationships (traditional) feel forced to me like in the sense if I did it. I don't think I could genuinely be happy at all to be stuck that way. I like spending time with someone close but not like those sorts of ways.
  22. Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex Has a fair bit on aromantics including allo aros and it's also just an interesting book.
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